Plan of attack Pt3

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You sat on top of your Lion, watching over the others as they chatted away. You were on Olkarion by now, finalizing the build of the Teludav. Allura went to the Balmera in the meantime to fetch a crystal for it. Her pod left just a few hours ago.

The sun was already setting and the golden light softly draped over the atmosphere with a warmth so comfortable, you wished to stay in this moment forever. You closed your eyes, laying down and taking in the sensation of it. The metal of Gray was cooling your back while the rays of light heated up your face and arms.

In the background, you could hear the conversation of Lance and Hunk as they talked about all sorts of things. Home, food, games, Zarkon.

"I'm glad that guy will be gone soon," you heard, it was Lance's voice.

"Me too, I want to go home and see my family again," Hunk replied.

What would you do once you were back? You thought about it. Probably visit your mother for a while, although you weren't sure she'd be too welcoming and happy to have you back again. You'd visit your father's grave. And then?

Everyone would go back to their own things and split ways, weren't they? You felt a deep feeling of discomfort in the pit of your stomach. What about the others too? Allura and Coran? Cyran?

You wondered if Keith would go back to distancing himself from you again. You hoped not, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself if he did.

You opened your eyes again and turned your head to where he was next to his lion. His eyes were already on you when you turned to him but quickly diverted when you met them. With crossed arms, he turned his face away, a slight blush on his cheeks as he kept his gaze straight to to sunset.

You couldn't help but smile at that, having caught him in the act. He told you to keep your distance from Cyran yesterday and all you did was brush him off. You wondered if he took it the wrong way, but then again, you felt as if what you said was totally valid.

You turned on your stomach and rested your face on your hands as you secretly eyed him, pretending to watch the sunset too. You were a little too far away to really see his features but just from what you could make out right now, you were just in awe. You knew he was already a handsome guy as is but somehow, seeing him in the light of the sunset made him look even better. You felt heat rise to your face when you noticed it.

How could he stand there so casually, looking like that? He was in uniform, like all of you were, but the head gear was lying next to him. You noticed his hair grew out a little, it was longer than when you all left Earth. It wasn't that much of a difference though, since not that much time had passed since then but you still noticed. The strands of his bangs reached his eyes now and he flicked them away with a shake of his head occasionally.

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