The Blade Of Marmora

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"Good Morning," you greeted Keith as you walked out of your room. He just left his room as well, turning around lazily when he heard you to reply, "Morning."

You were heading to the base of the Blade of Marmora today now that you had the teludav lenses installed and ready, an exciting mission for you all. You jogged up to Keith and bumped shoulders with him.

"Ready for today?" you asked him. He slightly flinched at the bump, head snapping to you. "Yeah, yeah," he replied, pressing his lips into a line.

It was only now that you saw how tired he looked. No wonder he seemed so agitated and unmotivated at the same time. You held on his arm as you pulled him to a stop.

"Uh, did you sleep last night? Like, at all?"

He furrowed his brows at you, nodding yes. He was definitely lying. You gave him a deadpan look and he sighed, dropping his shoulders. "Barely."

"Aha," you replied, tilting your head. "You definitely look like you did. Why, though? We barely got any sleep the night before too, you should've been knocked out like me," you laughed, "I was asleep as soon as I hit the pillow."

He shrugged, looking to the side. "Is it that obvious, though? I don't want the others asking me as well."

"Mh, yeah I'd say it's pretty hard to miss those dark bags under your eyes," you replied. "Want me to fix it?"

"How?" he asked, tilting his head. You just pulled him by the arm again, leading him back to your room. Guess you'd miss a few minutes off your breakfast, whatever.

You led him inside and told him to sit down on your bed and he complied, watching you curiously. You pulled out your purse, where you had stashed your makeup when you left Earth. "You're about to learn of the power of Make-up," you announced, pulling out your concealers and sponges and holding them to him so he could see. He took a closer look, his brows furrowed as he reached out his hand for the blender.

"What's that?" he said, taking it and squeezing it in his hands.

"Beauty blender," you replied, looking back to the concealer in your hands. You normally carry a dark and light one and mix it to fit your skin. Finding the perfect shade was almost impossible so this was the best option for you. The light one would fit Keith just fine though.

You put back the darker one and went to sit beside Keith on the bed. "Alright, face me and keep your eyes open. Do you know what that is?" You held the tube before him and he slanted his eyes, looking at it. "Uh, concealer," he read from the packaging.

"Nice job reading," you replied sarcastically, "I meant if you know what it does? Do you know the basics of make-up even?" You doubted it, he lived in a shack for over a year after all, his social interactions must have been non existent at that time and you couldn't imagine him researching anything related to make up alone in there. You grinned at the thought of it though.

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