The party

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂You were all gathered in the Castle, listening to the leader of the Arusians retelling the battle of Voltron with the Robeast

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You were all gathered in the Castle, listening to the leader of the Arusians retelling the battle of Voltron with the Robeast. He stood at the top of a set of stairs, with other Arusians acting the fight out. They stood on top of each other to gain some height, with swords and shields in hand.

"The monster fell from the sky! It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!"

Six Arusian who were playing Voltron fell on the ground after they got a rock thrown at them.

"No. I said, "Voltron was victorious!""

The six Arusians quickly got up again and the others fell to the ground instead. The crowd cheered, raising their glasses.

Allura thanked them for their performance and handed the leader a communication device, in case of any emergency back on Arus. Seemed like Voltron just gained its first ally. Everyone cheered again and festive music started playing.

You leaned on the wall of the castle, watching your teammates mingle with the Arusians and Lance spit out whatever was in his cup. You looked down at yours and decided to not drink it. It already smelled weird but if it tasted that horrible to Lance, you would not make the mistake of trying it yourself as well. You waited until an Arusian with a tray walked by and politely asked him to take the glass with him.

"(Y/N)," Pidge called out to you. You turned around, she had a bag with her, her new robot "Rover" flying right next to her.

"Pidge, what's up?" She walked over to you and leaned against the wall as well, sighing deeply. She looked around and then to you.

"I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" By the looks of her expressions, it was not going to be good news, you assumed. You tilted your head, slightly ducking down to her height to get closer. You wanted her to know that you were listening.

"I'm... I'm leaving Voltron."

"Wait. What?" Your eyes widened in surprise. You didn't know what you expected to hear but it was definitely not this.

"Yeah, and I'm leaving tonight." She looked back to the crowd, where everyone was laughing and talking to one another, before turning to you again. This was going way too fast.

"I now have more details about where my family was and I can't just stay here and do nothing about it and party. I need to go. I wanted you to know first because I know you'll support me. You always did, thank you for that."

You pursed your lips, not knowing how to react to what she just said. She thanked you for supporting her which just made this a thousand times more difficult. You knew this was going to be a deeply meaningful mission for her and you understood that completely, but the universe needed Voltron.

"You know what Pidge, I totally understand why you want to go but why don't we look for your family together? Wouldn't that be more efficient?" you tried to reason with her.

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