Rescue mission gone wrong

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Everyone already stood there, ready to fight, when you and Keith arrived at the bridge.

"Alright, let's do this then," Shiro announced and Coran quickly acted, tapping on the screen in front of him to activate the wormhole.

You walked over to your seat, watching as the wormhole formed in front of your eyes. You still were not a fan of these but at least you kind of got used to the way the forces in them almost threw you around.

You held onto the armrest as you travelled through it, the outside of the ship looking like a mix of several galaxies but at the same time like nothing you could ever really compare to something you've seen before. It was surreal every time you experienced it, but to be fair, everything in here was.

After a couple seconds of travelling through this colorful panorama, you arrived on the other side.

"We're here," he declared and you looked ahead. Through all the dense gas, you could still slightly make out the shapes and size of the central command ship and all its structures around it. It was truly fascinating but in a scary way, a way that makes you want to turn around and flee immediately. Still, you were here with a mission so that was not an option.

You all gathered around to top of the bridge where you watched as Coran scanned the ship.

"I'm detecting Allura's energy signature." The map zoomed in on a part of the whole thing where Allura apparently was located. "From this distance, the signal's pretty weak but she's somewhere in Zarkon's main ship."

"Gives us a starting point," Keith remarked.

"Once we get closer we'll be able to narrow down the location where the princess is being held."

You nodded along, analyzing the map carefully. You'd had to be careful around the area where Allura was, so no barging in and simply destroying the whole ship.

"Okay guys, this is it," Shiro said. "Voltron is going to come in fast and without warning. We'll smash our way into Zarkon's ship and grab the princess. Before they know what hit them we'll have the princess and be on our way."

You all agreed and quickly made your way to your hangar. The Gray Lion stood in its usual place, her eyes following you as you approached it.

"Hey, girl! Ready to go on this mission?" you yelled out as it lowered its head to you. It felt like eternity that you haven't been flying around in your lion, although it has not been that long at all. You ran inside and skipped into the cockpit.

With one swift motion, you let yourself drop into the seat and sighed loudly. "I've missed you," you said, feeling the steering handles and testing them out again. Just as expected, she replied by humming in the back of your mind.

Without wasting much time, you pushed the steering handles forward, flying into the sky with Gray, before you and the rest of the team formed Voltron. It was a quick process, everyone was where they were supposed to be withing seconds, with your position being on the chest and shoulders.

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