Rest day

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When you came to your senses again, you felt all of your muscles ache in agonizing discomfort. It was like someone was ripping and stretching them to infinity. You groaned in pain, turning over on your side.

What happened? Where were you even?

You slowly opened your eyes to find yourself in your dimly lit room. Or was it yours? The things you usually had in your room were not there and-

You flinched in surprise. Keith was sitting on the bedside, his head and arms on the mattress and his eyes closed. He was asleep, his shoulders slowly rising with every breath. Okay, you were in his room. Why were in sleeping in his room?

You thought back to what happened last.

The shower, the gas, the water and how you almost drowned but luckily got out just in time. That's probably when you blacked out then. You sighed, a whole day just wasted. You looked around for a clock somewhere but found nothing. His room was completely empty except for some few personal belongings like his clothes on a stool in the corner.

You looked to him. He gave up his spot on the bed for you. You felt a comfortable warmth form in your chest at the thought of it. The whole day must have been hard on him too but he was sleeping on the floor. You took a part of the blanket and gently placed it on his shoulders, trying to be as slow and quiet as possible to not wake him up. Doing that revealed something he was clutching in his hand though. You took a closer look, it was a dagger but not something like yours. Yours was a gray one but this one had purple markings on it. Definitely not a bayard or something.

You tilted your head in confusion, ducking closer. You've never seen something like this before. Where did he get that?

You would've loved to take it from his hands to analyze it further but refrained to let him sleep. You always assumed he was a very light sleeper but it looked like he was deep asleep right now, getting his needed rest. No need to ruin that for him now.

You looked at how a strand of his hair moved with the exhales, slightly twirling in the wind of his breaths. His hair looked really soft, more so than usual. Maybe that was because of how messy it was. You brought a hand up to your own hair as well and felt how knotty it was. There was obviously no time to comb through it after almost drowning. It was still slightly damp at the roots, you now felt.

You looked down to see that you were not wearing your usual clothes as well. It was a black shirt and a pair of red pants, the pajama ones that everyone on the team got. You let the thought sink in for a second before realization hit you. Wait.

You were wearing Keith's clothes. You looked to your left. The clothes that you saw earlier on the stool were not his, they were yours. You jerked up in surprise and embarrassment, sitting straight up on the bed. Did he dress you?!

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