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50 hours had passed since you woke up.

50 hours, and somehow you were still alone in this cell. You remembered the druids trying their best to resurrect Layka but by how much time had passed and their panicked attempts you witnessed before you passed out, you assumed they were not successful.

50 hours, it was a lot of time to think. You were too dehydrated to cry anymore, felt too empty to do so anyway.

What a weird thing, that you saw your mother in your dreams, in that laboratory, spitting cruel things at your face. You knew, logically, you weren't at fault for both deaths, you weren't the executor in both situations, but somehow-

You thought back to the fire, how your father ran inside again to get you out. Then you thought of Layka, strapped to that table- the witches tool to get you to speak.

Somehow you were the one that led both of them to it, to their deaths.

You weren't the perpetrator, sure, but you couldn't ignore your direct connection to both situations. Would all people in your life just end up dying? Was this some cruel joke from the universe?

You sanded the sharp metal piece from Layka's necklace against the floor. You felt stupid for thinking you could actually save everyone in here by yourself. Still, you kept grinding the piece, sharpening it ever so slowly, because the sound of it, the constant rhythm, calmed your mind.

Back and forth. Back and forth. You thought about what your friends might be doing.

Back and forth. The soldiers approached your side of the hallway and you stopped, waiting for them to gain some distance again. Your ears had adjusted well to this place, their steps were about the loudest thing you heard. Despite the sounds of the air conditioning and the other prisoners, you sensed those steps clearly and sounded everything else out.

Back and forth, the piece felt sharper now. You could feel it prick your skin when you pushed hard enough.

You weren't sure how much time had passed exactly since you came here, but you hadn't heard anything of them yet. This place must be hidden pretty well, or else Pidge would have located you almost immediately. The security in here must be pretty advanced as well, or else Keith and the others must have barged in here by now. Lance would take out the sentries from afar while Shiro and Keith took them out with their sword and hand. Pidge would lead them to the cells and they would arrive right in front of this cell and-

Suddenly, you heard the door unlock. You quickly threw the metal piece behind the toilet and sat up straight.

Someone stepped to the entrance, it was Mardoov. Your skin prickled, you felt your hair on your neck standing up at the sight of him.

Like always, he had this stupid grin on his face, looking down on you. "Well, hello there, paladin. I almost didn't recognize you."

He stepped inside the cell; you pressed your back further into the wall. You wished you could just break through it, create even more distance.

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