Final battle

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂Shiro left the Hangar with the Black Lion while the rest of you stayed in the command center

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Shiro left the Hangar with the Black Lion while the rest of you stayed in the command center. Phase one of the plan was officially beginning now. Shiro would lure the central command ship away from the inner circles of his territory.

It was time for all of you to focus now, the most important battle of your life has begun.

Still, you couldn't help but replay yesterday's events over and over again. The rejection, your realization that came with it.

You weren't sure how to deal with the fact that you liked Keith. That, and the conversation on the training deck led you to reject Cyran, but it couldn't have been that serious, right? It must just be a fleeting feeling.

These thoughts kept you awake yesterday night for longer than you'd like to admit, wondering if what you did was even the right choice. You even considered calling Cyran and taking your rejection back but you refrained. It was a mess and you didn't want to play with his feelings again so you decided to wait until the morning to think about everything again.

It did, in fact, not get any less of a mess in the morning but at least you knew not to call him. After your conversations before he left, you actually came to realize that you liked him way more as a friend than the thought of him as a partner. Although he did charm you a little in the beginning of the relationship, you weren't really thinking of taking it further than a friendship.

What you also noticed was that Keith was being awfully distant ever since that conversation where you basically told him you didn't trust him. Did it anger him that much? The only interaction you had with him since then was when you caught him looking at you on Olkarion, and you didn't even talk that time.

But then again, it could have just been the stress of the missions lately. At least you hoped so. You thought of everything else that could've been the reason for his distant behavior besides the conversation. He didn't hear the confession, you were sure of that since you saw all of them from the windows of the command center when it happened. Cyran, who he'd usually look moody around, was also gone now.

Everything about it occupied your mind since yesterday and it was really affecting your focus right now. Mostly because you couldn't do anything right now besides sitting and waiting for Shiro to report back.

A screen popped up in the center, it was Shiro. "Zarkon took the bait," he stated. Finally.

"He's got my location. Is everybody in position?"

Kolivan replied, a concerned look on his face, "We've not yet heard from Thace. He was supposed to contact us two Vargas ago."

Another member of the blade spoke up, "He could've been captured."

"Or killed," Kolivan continued. "We need to abort the mission immediately."

"Abort?" Allura asked in surprise. "No, we cannot back away now!"

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