Distress Signal

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"You'd be Sendak's prisoner right now if not for Pidge," Allura said to Lance as she nodded in Pidge's direction.

Lance had just woken up from the healing pod and was now eating food goo in the dining hall as you all recapitulated the recent events to him. You had been waiting for him to wake up all morning and seeing him now, healthy and back to normal, eased your mind immensely.

"Well," Pidge said, "you wouldn't have survived the explosion if Hunk and Coran hadn't gotten a new crystal."

Lance huffed, a smile on his face. "Wow, thanks everybody!" He set down his spoon and turned to Keith, who was sitting on the table a few meters away from him. "Seems like the mice did more than you though."

Keith's lips parted slightly, a silent gasp escaping him. "I punched Sendak!" he argued back, clearly offended and with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, apparently after I emerged from a coma and shot his arm off."

You watched the two of them, turning your head from Lance to Keith and back as they argued.

"We had a bonding moment!" Keith raised his arms. "I cradled you in my arms!"

Lance just leaned back in his chair, denying the claims. Keith looked defeated and didn't say anything else to that. Yeah, you were definitely back to normalcy.

Lance changed the topic. "So what happened to Sendak?"

Allura explained they'd frozen him in a cryopod and that you all might get some information about Zarkon from him.

You thought about all the possibilities. You could find out about secret plans of Zarkon or- the Zirakal. If what Allura said was true, you could find out about it through him. A sense of relief washed over you. Seemed like it would not be as difficult to find out as you expected.

Lance spoke up again. "So, what's the plan now?"

"We have to get back to the Balmera and save Shay and her people!"

You watched the mice jump into Lance's bowl of food as you listened to your team talk.

"Wow, you are really hung up on this lady."

"No, it's not like that. Look, guys," Hunk said, raising his arms and pacing around on his spot, "when you see how Zarkon has treated these people and destroyed their home- They've been under his thumb for so long they don't even know what it is to be free. It'd up to us to set this right. This is what being a paladin of Voltron is all about! It's time to man up." He ended his speech, letting out a big exhale as he looked to Shiro for approval.

"Then let's get moving. Time to go defend the universe."

You hopped off of the chair you were sitting on and walked over to the exit with everyone else, when Pidge spoke up.

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