The Final Act

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"Paladins, Shiro, can you hear me?!"

You managed to make out a voice in the distance, although it was very faint and barely understandable, like a dim light amidst the dense fog that was clouding your mind.

You tried you best, holding onto these words, trying to pull yourself into clarity.


The familiarity of that voice made your mind reel, trying to connect it to whom it belonged to, but you couldn't quiet put your finger on it, the mind fog making it difficult to grasp a coherent thought for long enough.

It took you a few seconds of waiting, trying to feel your own numb body, until you felt the presence of your face and eyelids. You were no longer a consciousness floating around, but your body slowly connected with you again and you opened your eyes to see where you were.

Your cockpit, turned off, and before you Zarkon's central command ship. What happened just now?

A beam of dark energy struck you, apparently knocking the lights out of you all. You stretched your neck and back, letting the memories flood in again.

"Yes, princess," Shiro answered for you all, "We're alive."

An exclamation of relief from their side before Allura questioned if Voltron was still operational. You stretched your hand out to see, but nothing happened when you pushed buttons or pulled the steering handles.

"It's not working," Hunk whined, confirming that it was not just your Lion that this has happened to.

Coran spoke up, "You've been hit by some kind of witch craft that draws the quintessence out of you. You need to get out of there! Another blast like that and you may not survive."

Well that did not sound good. Especially when your lions are not responding to you.

"Wait," Lance interrupted the conversation. "What's that?"

You looked up to the command ship, where a hatch opened to reveal a blinding light coming from within the ship. Slowly, a giant robot ascended out of it, its mere design giving out the look of danger.

Your mouth opened slightly and your muscles tensed at what was before you. The robot looked like, Zarkon? It had wings in the back and a terribly sharp exterior, looking like it could cut you with a single touch.

"You need to get out of there immediately," Allura commanded. "Remember your training."

But that did nothing to help you. Voltron was still not responding, unmoving like a corpse in space and you were stuck inside. You couldn't do anything but watch as the robot fully turned on, leaving you even less time to flee the scene.

Your head snapped into the direction of that robot and to the Castle ship, going back and forth as you noticed the both of them starting to charge. "Listen to me!" Allura shouted.

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