Rescue mission

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂"Have you found anything?"

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"Have you found anything?"

"No, you?"

"No," you replied, flying alongside Keith through the stars and debris in the current galaxy you were checking out. Still, no sign of Shiro whatsoever. It was almost getting too frustrating to handle, but alas, there was no alternative than to push through and keep searching.

"Where do you think he is?" Keith asked. You could hear him sigh and lean back in his chair through the comms.

"I'm not sure."

Whatever you did, it felt like a waste of time; time you should have spent doing something that would've actually helped in finding him, like build some sort of machine that could track him down, infiltrating more Galra logs to find if he was taken hostage somewhere- which seemed the most likeliest to you- or doing literally anything other than searching through little specks of the vast room the universe held.

Unfortunately, said machine was not only impossible, but would also take way to long to build. That meant what you were doing right now was the only thing you could realistically do in the meantime while Pidge attempted whatever she could to make the impossible possible.

And Galra logs were a pain in the ass. For some smart but infuriating reason, almost every Galra base's log was completely separated from the others, so you couldn't access anything other than the log of the base you just infiltrated and checked for prisoners anyway. And didn't that just sound dandy? Well, you wanted to hit your head against the wall just thinking about it.

A screen on the left of your console popped up, it was Coran, who was currently twisting his mustache. "Number four, number five, a distress signal just came in. You should head back and meet us in the command center as soon as you can."

"Sure thing," you replied, speeding Red up to hurry back inside. Nowadays, you were getting more acquainted with Red's controls, adapting wasn't as difficult as you originally anticipated.

"We'll find him some other time," you reassured Keith, to which he replied with a dejected "Mh," while you both made your way to your hangars. Honestly, the most difficult thing to adapt to was not getting into Gray's hangar all the time. Too many times than you'd like to admit, you found yourself choosing the wrong entrance and almost colliding with Allura's Lion when you did.

She took it well, laughing about it when it happened, but having to remind yourself that this was not your place anymore demoralized you every time. You wondered if Keith felt similarly.


"So what's today's mission?" Lance asked as he leisurely walked into the command center, sipping on a juice pouch.

"It's a distress signal coming from a planet called Saorana." Coran swiped across the control panel to project pictures in the room. The planet seemed to be an ordinary looking one, with nature and forests covering most of the surface. You wondered what had caused them to send that signal out.

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