Executing the plan

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂"(Y/N), watch out for the drones on your 6!" Lance called out through the comms

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"(Y/N), watch out for the drones on your 6!" Lance called out through the comms.

You've been in battle for a little while now, fighting off the ships and covering for Keith, who was still inside Zarkon's central command ship. You worried about what was happening in there since he didn't report in for a while but you told yourself to keep calm. He was busy after all and you were too.

You leaned forward, holding the handles tightly. "You ready for this?" you asked Gray, although you knew she definitely was. With an abrupt pull, you steered Gray upwards, doing a loop around the drones following you.

The turbulence from the movement caused a new adrenaline rush, making you jumpy but in a good way. You were locked in on your targets, complete tunnel vision, when you shot forward.

The beams of Gray hit them right in the center with every shot, causing them to melt into a metallic mess. You thought about what it would look like if there was someone in those drones but the thought of the gory scene made your stomach drop.

It was better not to think about the realities of this war. That not like right now, you often neutralized non robotic opponents. There was no alternative, but you never would have thought you'd be taking lives, like, ever. Not thinking about it was easier said than done though.

Of course no one on the team really mentioned it until now but you knew you were all thinking it. You knew by the way you heard the others walking outside your rooms at night when you thought about doing the same thing, not being able to sleep after an unusually gruesome fight.

Especially when your missions involved taking down soldiers outside your lions, with your bare hands or weapons, you found most of the team wide awake in the dining hall, talking about whatever to distract yourselves.

Everyone knew what kept you up, but saying it out loud made it realer than you all liked to have it feel. So you locked in on your opponents, pretending to just be playing a video game of some sort. At least then, the uneasy feeling would leave you alone until after the fight.

You maneuvered through the fleets, taking down as much as you could, speeding up even more. You were approaching extreme speed now but as long as you didn't focus on the danger you were going to be fine. It was fear that held pilots back most of the time. You shot more drones, counting them as if you earned points by taking them down. Like a game.

Maybe that was what made you like Cyran and Liadore so much. When you were stranded for a while and had nothing to do except wait, you weren't a murderer. At least in Cyran's eyes, he knew nothing of what you've committed.

You were a freedom fighter, sure, but that sounded way better than what your day to day looked like. On Liadore, you were nothing but a stranded girl. On the ball, you were nothing but a guest. To Cyran, you were the girl of his dreams, although it still felt weird to say.

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