Space Mall

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂You never appreciated Pidge's contributions as a hacker as much as you did right now

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You never appreciated Pidge's contributions as a hacker as much as you did right now.

You sat in front of her computer, looking at a bunch of information you couldn't quite decipher and wondered how she managed to do all that on the regular. You sighed, resting your head on your hand.

After the ball last night, you were ready to just jump into your bed and fall asleep but the word on your mirror that you forgot to clean off reminded you of something way more important than your sleep.

You were still basically on level 1 in terms of stopping or investigating the Zirakal further. It totally slipped your mind between all the missions you had to go on and everything that happened the past few days.

So you asked Pidge to use her computer to do some solo research. Since it was already basically morning, she was headed to sleep anyway and let you do your thing "as long as you don't break anything!", as she said it.

Only once you sat yourself in front of it and hovered your fingers over the keyboard, did you realize that you had no idea where to start. You did know what it was thanks to Allura, and that it was held by the Galra but that was about all the information you got.

You looked for anything related in the Castle's archives but found nothing. Since this Castle had almost all the information there was about the universe before shutting off, you assumed the Zirakal was a rather new concept or else there'd be something about it in here.

You tried hacking into the nearest Galra post with Pidge's hacking programs that did everything for you, and scrolled through the protocols and archives. Still, you were none the wiser afterwards.

It made sense that such important info wouldn't be kept in outposts like these. The security wasn't as well kept up with as in the inner circles of the empire so they were more vulnerable to hackers like you, and it pissed you off.

You groaned, thinking of all the logs and whatnot you had to read before you would finally get the info you need.

You hacked and analyzed and wrote down every little detail that could be relevant in the slightest to the Zirakal like dates of other events. That way you you could cross out the dates the Zirakal would not happen, at least if the Galra did not do two events on one day.

Three hours passed in front of the computer and you felt your head starting to get heavy. Your mind drifted off every once in a while, thinking back to last night or your bed.

After your walk in the backyard, you and Keith went to fetch your clothes and give back the borrowed attire before making your way home. You talked about the people there, laughing at some of the costumes you saw or the gossip you overheard.

"Did you notice the weird atmosphere inside too?" Keith asked you while you sat on the floor beside his seat, putting a finger to your chin.

"I guess so. Now that you mention it, there was something off in the ballroom but I can't figure out what it was."

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