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Hey there, just a small thing I want to get out of the way before you continue on this chapter. I do plan on writing some rather dark scenes in this arc of the story? I hope you're all fine with that but in case some of you don't like that much violence, I just wanted to give a warning. And no, don't be too scared of what this warning means yet! I just don't want anyone upset by what I write. That's all! 


You were brought into a room. Two druids held you by your arms, pulling on them tightly as your feet dragged on the floor.

You were sure you didn't pass out the entire time you were in their captivity, but somehow you couldn't remember the way you went, how you got here. You blamed it on the weird substance they forced down your throat right after they ripped you away from Cyran.

You wished you forgot the horror on his face too. He surely was feeling guilty now if the Galra weren't doing just as bad things to him right this moment. Or maybe the Blades had arrived by now, defending Liadore while you were here.

Would they know where to find you? They had a tough time with Shiro, maybe finding you would take just as long if you didn't take matters into your own hands.

For now, you couldn't do anything but let yourself be dragged though. Your legs were still half numb, but you slowly felt sensation coming back to them. You also noticed you were still holding onto those roses you ripped out on Liadore. They didn't care to discard them, all the druids did was grip your arms too tight and pull you across the floor. Left and Right, then again, two Lefts, and when you came to remember even more of the way, you noticed you had forgotten the beginning already.

What a shitty situation to be in.

You slowly raised your head, feeling the muscles in your neck ache and protest as you did so. The purple lights, the metal floors and walls. Yeah, you were in a Galra ship.

Would you be able to escape now? You looked around, but found no sign of any direction. The stakes of running into druids the whole way were too high. You did have your bayard on you, though, if you remembered correctly. It's in your suit, and as long as you didn't activate it, there was no way for them to take it away from you.

You took a deep breath, contemplating whether you should risk it right now or wait, when suddenly, you heard something open. With a hiss, a door on your right slid to the sides and the druids threw you inside.

Too late.

You were too caught off guard to catch yourself, stumbling to the ground with a loud clanking sound from your suit hitting the metal ground. You quickly tried to get up and defend yourself from whatever was about to happen but to your surprise the doors closed, leaving you alone in this room.

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