The Ball pt1

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You looked down on the communication device in front of you, reading the messages over and over again.

"Hey (Y/N), how are you? Do you know if you're able to make it to the ball? I'd love for you to come."

"(Y/N), are you receiving my messages? Maybe this device isn't working after all... ."

"Hello (Y/N), it seems you are either not receiving or reading my messages but if you do: The ball is in 2 of your planet's days (I looked it up ;) ). It's totally fine if you're not going to make it, you're probably busy saving the universe and all."

The last message was sent two days ago, which meant the ball was this evening. Shit, you totally forgot to respond. You were too busy trying to escape Zarkon and not die.

You quickly hopped off of your bed, taking the device with you and rushing out of your room and into the communications center. You knew the rest of the team was gathered there, they always were around that time of the day, talking about plans or just chatting.

"Guys, guys," you yelled out for them as you entered the room, their heads spinning in your direction.

"You guys remember when we were on Liadore, right? Our new alliance?" You gripped your communication device tighter, thinking about the messages again. You really had to give him an answer asap.

"Yes, what about it?" Shiro asked, his head tilted. "Do they need our help?"

You shook your head. "No, but their ball is today. Cyran invited me a few days ago and I still haven't replied."

"What ball?" Lance raised his head from where he was laying on the stairs, his arms and legs spread out all over the floor. "Any cute girls comin'?" You saw Keith rolling his eyes at the question.

"Uhh, I don't know. All I know is that he invited me and we don't have any plans for this evening sooo...," you turned to Shiro, clasping your hands in front of you and looking to him with a pleading look. "I should be able to go, right?"

Shiro shrugged his shoulders, opening his mouth to respond but Keith interrupted, "That's a waste of time."

You turned to him with furrowed brows. "What did you say?"

"There's still the possibility that Zarkon finds us, the Teludav is still broken and you want to leave to go to some party? It's unsafe."

"The Teludav won't be fixed until at the earliest tomorrow if we're lucky. I'm not slowing the process by leaving to a ball so what's your issue?"

He crossed his arms, stepping away from the wall he was leaning on. "What if someone needs Voltron? If Zarkon finds us again for example."

You raised your eyebrows, huffing at his weak argument. "Yeah, like you did just earlier?-" "Alright, that's enough," Shiro interrupted the conversation, holding his palm up to stop you two.

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