Plan of attack

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂You and Allura stood in the hangar, waiting for your allies to arrive

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You and Allura stood in the hangar, waiting for your allies to arrive. Since this mission was going to happen so quickly, the rest of the team already went to gather in the command center while you and Allura waited to receive the guests.

The broad aspects of the strategy are already set- Kolivan knew to plan ahead of time in case of emergencies like this- so he outlined the plan for us while you called for the allies to meet you in the Castle.

Reiner, from Olkarion, some more Blade members and Cyran were coming today and it was obvious to say you couldn't wait for a certain person out of the few of them to arrive.

You turned to Allura, who had her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

"What is it?" you asked her, and she snapped out of her thoughts, turning to you before exhaling deeply. "I think you know," she replied before looking straight ahead to the opposite wall of the hangar. You knew she was not taking the new information about Keith well, you saw it on her face when Keith revealed his heritage.

A look of shock, that turned into disgust for a split second before she regained herself and put on a blank expression. Keith saw it too, you knew he did because he immediately looked to her. All of it lasted about a few seconds but it left you feeling bad ever since then. Seeing how it ruined their entire relationship just like that, you didn't even know how to express the distress it made you feel as well.

You couldn't imagine what Keith was feeling right now, what he was going through. Although you could understand where Allura's anger came from- having heard of her tragic past multiple times now when you two met in her room for a sleepover- you had hoped she would make an exception for Keith; see that he was just as conflicted as she was about the news.

You wanted to reply, bring the topic up to her but you feared that this was not the time for it. And like on cue, the hangar opened, revealing a ship that could only belong to the Olkari by the way it was designed, followed by purple pods from the Blade.

You would have to bring it up some other time.

They carefully landed on the ground, before exiting their spaceships. Reiner stepped out of hers, a warm smile on her lips as she waved to us.

You and Allura bowed down politely, greeting her and shaking her hand. "Thank you for arriving so quickly. We have a lot of important things to discuss, I'll take you to the command center in a second."

Next the both of you greeted the Blade members, although you noticed that Allura did seem a little less friendly with them as she did with Reiner. She still behaved rather professionally though.

"I'll lead the way now," she said, motioning for them to follow. "(Y/N), if I'm not back before Cyran arrives, greet him for me and lead him up yourself, okay?"

You gave her a thumbs up before they all disappeared behind the corner. You knew she'd normally greet every guest personally but today you had little time to waste so you stood here alone, clicking your heels on the ground as you waited for Cyran.

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