Cruel things happen to good people

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You laid in your cell, your back against the floor with your arm raised to the ceiling.

You had no idea when the soldiers would take you to the interrogation again, you just knew it happened daily and today you hadn't been there yet. It wrecked your nerves, anticipating the torture like that but at least you kind of got used to the routine by now. Get in there, don't say a word, endure the pain.

Aside from electric shocks and serums, they couldn't do much else you had figured out by now. Your body had to stay in a fairly well condition for the auction, which was a relief in a sick and twisted way. At least that meant they wouldn't be amputating anything off.

You enclosed your hand into a fist, right over one of the little air vent in the ceiling. They didn't put normal ones in there to prevent any outbreaks, only multiple small holes. You didn't complain, at least you could pretend they were stars and catch them, just like Lance showed you.

You did that a lot lately, catching the stars when you had to think a lot- you were planning an escape from here after all- and doing that helped to calm your mind.

The little girl watched you curiously, looking up at where your arm pointed.

"You wanna catch the stars too?" you asked her with a warm smile. Since the "meetings" with Haggar started, the girl had become a little closed off again. She was scared. Scared of how beat up you returned to the cell- of what damage the Galra were capable of.

"What?" she asked timidly. She must think they had totally fried your brain because there were no stars around. You patted on the spot next to you and she decided to trust you, scooting closer and laying down.

"Reach out for them and then close your hand into a fist. That's how you catch the stars."

"But there are no stars. We're trapped away from them," she whispered back. That fact must have reminded her of your situation again, her lip quivering. You quickly distracted her.

"That's where your imagination comes in. Do you see those vents?"

She nodded, looking to you with her big eyes. "Yes."

"Let's pretend they're stars, okay? And then, you catch them."

You demonstrated it again and she followed. With her small arms, she reached out and closed her hand in the air. You both repeated it a few times before you looked to her again. She had a little bit of a smile on her face again, which made you unbelievably happy.

"It's funny," she giggled, before clasping a hand in front of her mouth when she remembered to be quiet.

"It is, right? A dear friend of mine showed me. You can meet him once we're out of here."

Her expression turned into a thoughtful one, then to worry. "Does he have more games like this?"

"Oh, yes of course. That guy's full of brilliant ideas," you replied with a smile. She was slowly accepting the idea of getting out of here.

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