The start of something horrible

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"End training sequence!"

The gladiator fell to the ground immediately, the light leaving its eyes as they ground beneath opened up to swallow the robot.

You were training on your own today. Keith recently started a training program with the Blades, meaning he was away a lot in between missions. It was a pity, since you really looked forward to spending that time on the deck with him, but you were also glad for him. Right before he decided to do it, he came to your room, telling you of the news.

Because he was part Galra, he was accepted into the program and he seemed to be pretty determined to do this. It would help him get a better understanding of his origin and maybe of where his mother really came from.

Of course you were supportive from the start, but damn, you didn't expect his absence to affect you this much. You wondered what he was doing every time he wasn't around and although you didn't think it was such a bad thing at all, it became a little distracting, you couldn't lie.

Before, sometimes when you went to bed, you could hear him in the room next to you. He was always a late sleeper so faint sounds of him walking around and doing whatever were pretty normal. Now it was just too quiet for you.

It wasn't the end of the world, of course, but having that little piece of comfort stripped away from you saddened you just a little.

You brushed the sweaty strands away from your face, breathing in deeply as you deactivated your bayard. You'd trained enough for the day, it was time to wash up and keep yourself busy with something else.

Pidge was researching about her brother again, all while navigating Hunk and Lance on their mission. Shiro warned her to focus fully on the task at hand and not risk making a mistake but you saw her doing it anyway just earlier. You weren't gonna tell on her though.

Allura was visiting the Balmera again and Shiro decided to join in, leaving you and Coran on the Castle alone. Apparently, something strange was happening at the Balmera and they needed a helping hand.

It just so happened that your help wasn't urgently needed anywhere since the missions were easy ones. Good for you, you had time to rest then.

You strolled to your room, a towel lazily thrown over your shoulder with which you wiped your forehead from time to time.

In your room, you threw all the clothes on your floor, ready to relax under the hot shower when you heard an alarming beeping sound from your closet.

"What is that?" you asked yourself, scrunching up your face in confusion as you inched closer to the noise. Maybe- wait.

It was the communication device.

You flung open the door and sorted through your clothes hanging on the rack. It was somewhere hidden in the pocket of a pair of pants if you remembered correctly. Did Cyran contact you? It never made that alarming sound when he did, though.

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