A solid plan

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"Pidge, scan the download from the ship and find out where Zarkon's central command is," Shiro instructed as he walked past you and Coran. You were still dumbfounded from what Shiro just told you a few seconds ago.

Allura was on that ship full of Galra soldiers that were headed straight to Zarkon's central command. This couldn't be. What was going to happen to her?! All sorts of scenarios went through your mind but you quickly shut them down. If you were to freak out now, you wouldn't be any help to her.

"On it," Pidge replied as she hastily threw herself on her seat and started analyzing data. You didn't know what to do or say in this moment so you watched. Coran and Shiro were discussing what happened before Pidge pulled up a picture from the downloads and projected it in the air. It was a map of the central command, and it looked gigantic.

"Look at the size of it," Coran said with both fascination but even more worry. If Allura where to end up there, finding her would become a whole lot more difficult than you imagined.

"I think we should go in right away," Pidge suggested. "Every minute that we waste gives Zarkon time to prepare for us."

Lance agreed and you nodded your head as well. Every minute gives Zarkon time to prepare and increases the risk of Allura getting hurt. She could be injured right this moment and you wouldn't know until you got her back.

"We form Voltron, fly in, fly out, dust off our hands and walk away," Lance said with crossed arms. You looked at him with furrowed brows. He was making this out to be way easier than it probably would be.

Hunk spoke up and voiced his worries, "Uh, do you guys not remember the Balmera? We could barely take out one fleet but this? A base this size could hold a thousand fleets!" You thought back to remember the Balmera. You all were really struggling back then, he was right, but what else could you do instead of waiting for them to do God knows what? You had to go now and decide the details of the mission on your way.

"Or," Keith joined the conversation now as well, "we shouldn't go on this mission at all."

You looked at him with wide eyes, the room fell completely silent. What did he just suggest?!

"Think about it. We'd be delivering the universes only hope to the universes biggest enemy."

"Are you serious?" you asked him incredulously.

"Keith, that's cold even for you," Hunk said.

"What if it was you?" you asked him, stepping closer, "Would you be ok with us just leaving you there? Alone and vulnerable to their cruelty?"

He looked to you with furrowed brows, a serious expression with a touch of shame in his eyes. He knew he was being heartless.

He started talking again before you interrupted him. "If it was for-" "What if it was one of us? Would you leave me there?"

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