Your fault

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Today, you could actually feel the hesitation in the soldiers push as she forced you into the room. You weren't sure if that was a good sign or not; you had no time to think about it as you stumbled forward.

It wasn't cold like it usually was, which immediately made it clear that this laboratory had been used already. Cold sweat trickled down your face, you didn't dare look up. You were too scared of what you would see if you did.

Something was paralyzing you, keeping you in place. The feeling that no matter what was before you right now, you would be met with only horrible news: either she was not here, which would beg the question of where they must have taken her instead, or she was actually right there before you, which- given the warm temperature in here- was unfortunately more likely.

Only when you heard a familiar voice call out your name did you suddenly gather the courage. You snapped your head upwards.

"(Y/N)," Layka cried, her eyes bloodshot and cheeks stained with tears. Your heart stopped beating for a moment, ears ringing and throat closing up at the scene before you.

There she actually was, strapped to the table you usually were at. You saw the blueish markings going down her limbs where her clothes were rolled up, a sign of the burst blood-vessels Haggar had caused.

Your knees almost buckled, guilt and rage clouding your mind. You could barely conceive a thought, the look of Layka on the table, crying and bruised all over made the room almost spin.

In the corner of your vision, you saw the witch standing there, watching you, watching your reaction.

"You're a monster," you mumbled. You turned your head to her.

She was grinning, eyes creasing at the corners. You saw the glee on her features, she had finally found a weakness of yours.

"Me?" she asked amused, before snapping her fingers. The door behind you shut and your legs and arms were suddenly being restrained by an invisible force. It took you by surprise and you fell to your knees. Shit.

"I think I can prove to you today that you are the monster." That sounded like the start of a sick and twisted game, a challenge; your hands were already shaking at the threat.

You looked to Layka again, who watched you with a pained expression, eyes wide with fear. You believed she had been drugged as well, her pupils were so dilated you noticed it from where you were.

How could they do this to a child?

"You are the reason," she spoke again, "why your little friend is here." Her cloak slid down her head, darkening her features in the shadows of it but her glowing eyes remained visible, along with the hint of sadism and cruelness in them.

You looked to the ground, not daring to look Layka in the eyes again. Were you really at fault here? You promised to protect her just a while ago and now you were the cause of her pain.

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