Grief pt2

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂"Keith?" you yelled across the hallways as you jogged over to Shiro's hangar

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"Keith?" you yelled across the hallways as you jogged over to Shiro's hangar. After the whole outburst earlier at the meeting, you were sure he would be by the black lion for comfort but when you arrived there, he was nowhere to be seen. The hangar was quiet and empty, except for the lion itself. You took a few steps inside, looking if he was there after all but no.

"Mh, weird," you stated, passing the hall as you made your way to the Red Lion's hangar. You'd look on the training deck next and then his room. There weren't many places in the Castle he'd go to usually when he needed some time alone so finding him wouldn't be too complicated.

The hard soles of your armored shoes hit the floor in a fast paced rhythm as you jogged across the hallway, the sound bouncing off the walls and creating an echo. Training for so long really did your endurance a favor since you noticed that you now only heard your steps, not your labored breathing whenever you jogged. It was now pretty steady, a major improvement if you could say so yourself.

"Keith?" you yelled for him again when you arrived at his hangar and there he was, turning around to you as he walked up Red's ramp into her interior. He furrowed his brows, probably not having expected you to be here.

You came closer, shaking your head at him in confusion, giving him a look that asked "What the hell are you doing?".

"What are you doing here?" he asked you instead, taking a step backwards further inside, as if he wasn't going to wait on your answer before flying off.

"Um, looking for you? What was that outburst back there? You can't just do that, how will we win the war if you scare our potential allies away?"

He rolled his eyes, pivoting on his heel. "Whatever, I'm going," he replied, as he walked inside. You followed him.

He wasn't just going to walk off on you, however frustrated he was.

"I'm coming with you," you stated firmly. Two steps, and the next thing you came in contact with was Keith's back when he came to a halt.

"...No, you're not?" he replied.

"Yes, I am."

"Absolutely not."

"Absolutely yes."

With a sigh of frustration which you happily ignored, he turned around and attempted to shove you back outside but you didn't let him.

You took his arm that was shoving and pulled him closer to you. "Why can't you let me go with you? And where are you even going off to anyway?"

"I'm just going for a ride, you don't need to babysit me," he mumbled in frustration as he stopped shoving.

"Well, let's go for a ride together then, I wanna take a break from the meeting too," you insisted. You were glad Gray wasn't here to stop your stubborn self now.

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