A dangerous Virus

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂You didn't know what was happening but you had to get out of there now

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You didn't know what was happening but you had to get out of there now.

After you had thrown on your clothes, not even caring if it was inside out or any kind of wrong way, you ran to the door.
You had no idea what that gas was but by the way your eyes and throat burned and your head got foggy, you knew it was nothing safe.

Within seconds, you were at the exit and ready to jump out and breathe normally again. You hit the button with all the strength you had left but your fear got confirmed; the door was malfunctioning as well.

"Shit. Shit. Shit," you kept mumbling as you hit the button again. The gas was now reaching you at the other end of the room, it was not looking good for you.

"Alright, please let this work," you muttered through gritted teeth as you took a few steps backwards. You inhaled sharply and before you could think long enough about it to change your mind, you charged at the door at full speed, or the fastest speed you could reach in that dizzy state of yours.

Truly, you knew this was a bad idea and no matter how long you thought about it, there was no way a single person would be able to open a metallic sliding door by running into it vertically, but you didn't feel like you had much time to think of an alternative.

You wish you had, though. The impact of your shoulder with the metal resulted in nothing but unbearable pain and no effect on the door whatsoever. You cried out in agony.

You'd be cursing the hell out of yourself for doing that if you weren't fighting for consciousness right now, and it looked like you were losing that battle as well.

Your knees felt like jello, you had no choice but to drop to the floor. What were you supposed to do now? You had no idea. If you at least had your bayard with you, you'd be able to pry yourself out but who ever came prepared to fight for their life in the shower? Of course you didn't bring anything.

Your arms felt like the heaviest thing in the world right now along with your head, but you couldn't give up yet. You banged against the door.

"Is anyone outside? Help please!" you managed to croak. You'd be surpirsed if anyone was able to hear that, it was unlikely but you continued nonetheless.

"Anyone?! Please... Keith?... Anyone?!"
You held your ear against the door, trying to listen for any kind of activity going on outside the door. It could have been your imagination, but you thought there was a faint sound of steps echoing in the distance. This was your last chance.

"Help!" you screamed as loud as you could, trying to ignore how the room spun. Now was not the time to faint.

"Is anyone there?! Help!"
You heard the footsteps halt, it sounded like there were two people running. Now one of them was getting nearer and with every step that you heard got louder and louder, your banging against the door intesified.

"Who's there?" a voice on the other side spoke. You were relieved beyond imagination.
"Keith?! Is that you?!"
"What's going on?"

"I can't open the door-" You stopped mid sentence to cough, "and some gas is leaking," you whined. You were so exhausted but knowing Keith was on the other side at least eased your mind. You knew he'd get the door open somehow.

"Step away, I'll try something," he instructed and you complied. You slowly crawled your way into the middle of the room and gave him a heads up that you were ready.

His sword pierced the slit between the two door sides and within seconds, he had pried it open. The gas escaped and you heard him cough when he got a taste of the gas as well.

"You okay?" he asked as he ran into the room and kneeled beside you.
" 'mfine," you managed to croak out. You were just glad it was over. The air cleared out and your dizziness slowly dissappeared with it.

You lifted your head to see that he was intently watching you with what seemed like worry on his face. Wow, you didn't know he could feel that for you. You chuckled to yourself.

"What's so funny?" he asked with furrowed brows.

"Nothing. It's nothing," you replied. You got up with his grip on your arm assisting you. What a coincidence that he was the one to find you, you thought to yourself. When he was the only one on the team trying to distance himself from you.

Still, the way he looked at you; you weren't so sure anymore if hate truly was the only thing he had left for you. Maybe Lance was right and he doesn't hate you... or maybe you were just being delusional. You didn't know.

You both slowly walked to the exit of the room. You had trouble keeping your eyes open for more than a few seconds, your eyes feeling as if someone was burning off away the first layer ever so slowly. You really hoped it was just a feeling and not what was really happening.

You slightly shook your head to rid of the thoughts, no use stressing about that now.

"How did that even happen? Is there a gas leak on the ship?" you asked. He shook his head, explaining what had happened to him and Lance just earlier.

"The Castle must have some sort of internal issue then," you figured.
"Seems so."

You were two steps away from the door when it suddenly shut again.
"What?" you gasped confused. You thought this was over, so what was this now?
Keith's sword was outside the room you remembered, you heard him throw it to the ground when he rushed to you just earlier.

"For fucks sake," you heard Keith curse under his breath.
You were relating to his sentiment there. The whole situation was just getting way too overwhelming now.

You turned your head to the direction of the shower. No gas seemed to be leaking now; there was no sound to be heard from the showerheads.
At least you were safe from that. You threw your head back and inhaled deeply. The fresh air felt so good now that the room cleared up from the gas.

"We're not done yet it seems," Keith muttered. You looked to him in confusion when you saw what was going on on the floor.

The room was filling up with water from the drains up. The floor was already halfway covered and the pace only seemed to increase with every second.

Oh, for fucks sake indeed.


YO! I'm a little late but here's the short chapter. Part 2 will follow on monday. Let me know how you like it, idk if the quality's the same bc I literally wrote this at the train station on the way to work and back 💀😭 Anywayyyy, bye y'all. Thank you for all the kind words you leave in the comments. It really warms my heart to know that you all like it. Have a great rest of the week!

Credits for banner and cover-> @-EL3CTRO on wattpad!!

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