Delivering a message

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"Wake up."

Someone nudged your side, shaking you into reality. You turned around, back facing the person as you covered your eyes with one arm to block out the light.

Wait, light?

You quickly turned to face the door, it was open. Someone stood next to you, nudging you forcefully with their leg. "Get up."

What was happening? It must still be well into the night, you assumed, yet someone was waiting for you. You looked up and came to realize it was Mardoov. His disgusting face looking down on you, but he didn't have a smile on his lips like usual. You even thought he looked tired as well.

Then, without warning, he crouched down and took you by your arm. You flinched away but he was quicker, grabbing it forcefully and pulling you up. "You're taking way too damn long, paladin."

You gasped in surprise, putting a hand on his to force it away but to no avail. This was definitely going to leave a bruise.

"Now hold still," he demanded while he pulled out a black cloth.

"What the hell?" you mumbled. Was this a blind fold?

You didn't protest and he quickly put it on, covering your eyes fully. You didn't want to cause any trouble just yet so you went along. Maybe this was preparation to take you somewhere else on this base, possibly the hangar to meet up with Keith?

You took a deep breath. This was happening today, it seemed. You felt your body grow restless with excitement all of a sudden, any sign of tiredness gone.

You hoped you were right about this, you desperately wanted to see him again, know that they were all fine.

Mardoov dragged you away and you stumbled after him, putting one foot in front of the other carefully. You turned right, then left, which was not the usual path to the laboratory. Yes, you were headed somewhere else.

You made an effort to memorize the path as best as you could; maybe this could be useful for the escape.

You passed a few corners. When you listened carefully, you could even hear the steps of sentries nearby. This was an entirely different are of the base, one that was more heavily guarded.

Left, right, right, left.... you hummed out a tune to facilitate the memorization. Could you make a song out of this?

"You sure are in a good mood, huh? Why are you singing?" you heard Mardoov's voice next to you.

Suddenly, you crashed into his side. He had stopped walking.

"I know what you are doing, paladin," he then said. You tensed.

"What?" you acted oblivious. You cleared your throat, "I'm not doing anything."

A huff from him, you felt caught.

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