Escaping Zarkon

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You wandered around the hallways, clicking your heels on the floor with your hands in your pockets. After the mission on Olkari and the whole ordeal with Zarkon finding you again, you were just so tired.

While Coran was trying to figure out how to fix the broken Teludav lenses, you all were dismissed to get some rest before your next step. You couldn't sleep though, not when you knew Zarkon was scheming to track you down right this moment.

You took in the architecture of the hallways again. It was something you started doing a while ago, trying to memorize the way the walls curved upwards and the pillars that accessorized the white corridor. Who knew when the last time would be that you got to admire something like that again, or just something in general. You were putting your lives on the line every single day.

It's not like you hadn't gotten used to it by now- never sleeping calmly, always wondering if today would be the last- but it shouldn't be that way. At least you didn't think so.

It also calmed you down. When you first got here, you thought the interior of this Castle was kind of bland but the more time you spent here, the more you appreciated the simplicity of it.

Not too many stimuli for when your mind was racing on its own already, exhausting you with all the horrible thoughts running around, trying to tear you down.

Being this close to Zarkon, his tyranny and all of the effects of it all around the galaxies really triggered you to spiral into a deep whole filled with "what if's" and dreams about any of you being his next victim sometimes. Especially now that you found out about the Zirakal.

When Allura explained to you what it was, that they were essentially selling people, you couldn't quite believe it. Apparently Zarkon did have some allies on his side, it wasn't just the Galra themselves who were supporting his way of ruling.

They got together on auctions, showing off and trafficking slaves, mostly their enemies and anyone who opposed them. You guessed it was their cruel way of getting revenge on anyone who dared to disrupt their expansion of power. Allura couldn't tell you what would happen to those people afterwards but you weren't sure if you wanted to know.

You had to take them down somehow, but first you needed to find out who was on his side. They weren't as public with showing off their stance in this war or else you all would've known by now.

A shiver went down your spine when you remembered your fight with Sendak. You told yourself it was nothing but an empty threat, something to make you back down, but why didn't he tell you what the Zirakal was when you asked him, then? If he was trying to scare you, he wouldn't have withheld this information.

You sighed, trying to shake off the anxiety vibrating through your bones, and looked forward. You should try to tell the team so you could work on it with them but not right now. Everyone had so much on their plate already.

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