The offer

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The door to your cell opened, it was time for the interrogation. The same soldier as usual urged you to come with her and you did, your body aching as you stood up. You rubbed your back, trying to soothe the burning sensation but it wouldn't go away. You sighed.

The both of you turned around the corner. You looked around again, trudging next to her while she held your arm in place.

You could just be imagining things, but somehow her grip felt looser than usual; not as strong and unyielding. Maybe you could even rip out of it and make your way to the exit, but you knew this wouldn't bring you to your goal just yet.

Or maybe, just maybe she was communicating something to you. Not consciously necessarily, but you had the suspicion that the soldier next to you might be not as firm in her submission to the empire anymore; not after what she'd seen happen to Layka. She may be starting to doubt her beliefs.

You slowed your pace. Usually, she would make sure you'd keep it and dragged you along if she had to.

This time, she only tugged on your arm loosely, gesturing for you to hurry. She had changed.

You sped up again, taking in every detail of the purple hallways, although your eyes had not adjusted to the change in brightness just yet. You felt the pressure of pain in them, but ignored it as your gaze wandered to every single inscription on the walls, looking out the occasional windows on your path, where you watched ships leave and enter this base.

"They killed a child," you suddenly whispered to her. You saw her shoulders tense slightly. You had to know for sure, that she knew exactly what had gone down.

"They tortured the girl until her body couldn't take it anymore. The girl you escorted to the laboratory."

Her grip on your arm grew firmer, she was getting tense.

"You know how you can redeem yourself, right?"

The soldier suddenly pulled on your arm forcefully, quickening the pace.

"Stop this nonsense at once," she replied firmly. You knew she felt uncomfortable with that truth, and she should.

You shrugged your shoulders, feeling satisfied with the reaction you provoked.

This was all you needed. All you had to do was plant that little seed; that idea, that she could really redeem herself from this, and while time passed, her loyalty to the Galra empire would slowly crumble.

Of course, you didn't plan on making her a vital part of your mission, it was way to risky to depend on someone like her, but the extra security was good nonetheless.

You arrived at the laboratory, and for once, you entered voluntarily. The door closed behind you like usual, and you were alone, the witch yet to join the interrogation.

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