Keith's POV

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"Keith," Kolivan addressed the new trainee to call him over. Keith had been practicing with the Blades for a while now, steadily improving over the course of the few weeks he had been here.

Today was supposed to be another day just like usual. Sneak onto a base, grab some intel and get out without anyone noticing.

"Yes," Keith said as he approached his superior. It wasn't unusual for him to call Keith for a personal conversation, he was still new after all and a part of Voltron still, so it was either some advice he was about to get or something related to his team.

"Change of plans, I'm replacing your position on this mission today."

"Wait what?" Keith raised his eyes in surprise. "Why?"

"One of your paladin teammates has sent a message calling for back up. We'll change course to get there immediately."

Keith asked for elaboration. A message like this wasn't out of the ordinary, but the way Kolivan talked about it made him sense that something was up.

"(Y/N) contacted us. It seems like a timed message so I assume she had to hide her location." Kolivan turned away from the screen, giving Keith a proper look at what her teammate had sent out.

"Distress signal coming from Liadore. In need of immediate back up, there's a Galra invasion going on."

Liadore, Keith put a hand to his chin, recalling this place. It was Cyran's home planet. Keith felt uneasy about the whole situation, he wondered if (Y/N) would handle this situation well, it was a close friend of hers after all, as much as he hated that.

"Anything else they communicated to us?" Keith asked but Kolivan shook his head.

"No, while we're en route to Liadore you should contact Shiro and get as much information as you can. I'll gather the people in the meantime."

"Yes sir."

He got to work immediately, searching up Shiro's contact info and hitting the call button. Maybe he would give them an update on Liadore's state.

Keith brushed through his hair with a hand, wondering how they were holding up. He hoped (Y/N) and the others were fine.

Almost immediately, Shiro picked up. A screen appeared, showing him in his Lion. "Keith, good to see you."

He had a smile on his face and appeared to be pretty calm, which confused Keith to say the least.

"Shiro, what's your status? Are you guys fine?"

"What do you mean?" Shiro asked, his head tilted to the side as he looked to Keith with a confused expression. "I'm on Balmera with Allura. Lance, Hunk and Pidge are on a mission elsewhere but they're holding up just fine."

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