The escape

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"Oh my Quiznak, don't tell me you don't know what macarena is..."

Keith looked at you with a puzzled expression, shrugging his shoulders.

"Why would I know that? Does it have anything to do with macaroni?"

You sighed, putting a hand to your temple to exaggerate your disappointment. Someone should totally teach him things like that once you got back from the mission. Not you though, since you totally hate him right now. Totally. Hate him. ...Maybe Lance.

"Are you gonna teach me now or what?" He interrupted your train of thought.

"Uh yes," you stuttered, "stretch your hands out with your palms facing down," you instructed as you demonstrated the pose. He did as you told, although reluctantly. Outside, you heard loud rumbling and clattering noises.

Were they setting up the stage outside?

"Ok so, ... wait no. You start by having your hands both by your side-"

"How about you demonstrate it first and then I'll actually know what the dance is supposed to look like." He crossed his arms and took a step back, making room for you to dance.

You kind of felt like the whole idea of dancing macarena was completely stupid now, but there was no going back so you cleared you throat and took the first stance, hands by your side.

"Ok, so this is gonna look really awkward without music but bear with me. It's a simple dance since we don't really have much tim-" "Just do it already," he pressed, rolling his eyes.

"Geez, okay." You sighed and started dancing it, loosely mouthing the words of the song, of which you didn't really know the words except for "macarena".

Your hands went to your shoulders and then to your head.

You've never felt so embarrassed in your life.

Maybe being sacrificed to the gods would be better at this point, you thought.

Especially because you didn't expect him to watch so intently, it almost made you forget the simple moves. Still with crossed arms and an unreadable expression, his eyes followed your hands to your shoulder, head and hips. He made short eye contact with you, before following your hands at your hips again. You didn't like to admit it, but the intense stare flustered you.

You looked to the ground, heat rushing to your cheeks, and finished the moves, jumping to the other side, when you heard him let out a mocking laugh.

"What is it?" you asked through gritted teeth, slightly irritated, but mostly humiliated.

"If we show them this," he waved his hand at you, "we might as well sacrifice ourselves voluntarily."

"I think I'd prefer that idea," you whispered to yourself.

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