The Zirakal pt3

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You had your back pressed to the wall, carefully listening to the sounds of shooting and reloading at the other end of the hallway where the sentries stood. They were almost all down and you had to be quick to leave. The alarms were blaring through the corridors now, a red light going through the base that almost sent your heart out of its ribcage. You weren't sure how long you had until back up was on the way.

You looked down to the gun in your hand. The cold metal that held the weapon together. It was still more than halfway loaded after shooting down all those sentries, meanwhile they had to reload multiple times because they were shooting aimlessly.

They were programmed to be thoughtless killing machines without an ounce of hesitation after all. Not only did they shoot at the slightest sign of your appearance, they shot every second just in case you might turn around the corner. It made taking them down difficult, if it weren't for the fact that they had to reload because of this wasteful tactic.

"(Y/N), I think that was it," Elian exclaimed after he shot the last robot down. "We should get going immediately."

You could barely make out what he was saying over the alarms, it was definitely not helping your case. Did the others know by now what you were doing? Did Cyran know?

You turned to the others, the boy was still crying silently over his shot leg, his face covered in tears and snot; you slightly cringed at the sight of his pain. You hoped he was fine. It was fully covered and stopped bleeding, though, so all seemed to be good for now.

"Guys, we're leaving, now. We have to be quick."

Your immediately started sprinting, your legs moving as fast as you managed in this moment. You had to get to the hangar first and ready everything for them to quickly follow.

Elian and Lexi rushed to get the others to get up and running while you went ahead to the exit. The hangar was closer than ever; you wouldn't let this go now, no. You turned back to the people behind you, the people you couldn't fail now. They risked everything by trusting you.

With heavy steps you carried yourself across the hallway to the massive metal door. You looked up to see the entirety of it when you halted in front. This was definitely the right way, you felt Red on the other side.

Immediately, your gaze dropped to the lock on the right side of it. You had to unlock it first to get through.

You quickly ripped off the arm of a sentry lying next to you and rushed over to the lock. "This better work now," you muttered to yourself as you held the hand up to the sensor.

"Wait!" someone suddenly yelled from your right. Your head snapped into the direction of the voice; it definitely wasn't one of your people.

Someone was running over to you from the hallway, their arms waving up and down as they ran over to you. It was a soldier.

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