The day after

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You entered the dining hall where everyone was already eating breakfast and chatting away.

"Good morning," you quietly greeted them as you sat down at the table, clearing your throat. They greeted you and went back to their food. It was a little quieter than usual since Lance was not here eating with you. He was still in the healing pod and would stay there until the next day. You wondered if he could feel hungry in there.

"Good morning to you, (Y/N). Here's your food," Hunk said as he placed a bowl of food goo in front of you. You thanked him and picked up your spoon, feeling your empty stomach growl.

You wanted to shovel it down and silence the empty feeling inside you but had to refrain. Your throat was still sore form yesterday's events. When you woke up this morning and looked in the mirror, you were disappointed to see that your neck and throat had not gotten better at all. Instead, it was bruised all over. You had to put on something that would cover it completely to avoid any questions. Luckily, you found a black turtleneck top amongst the clothing Allura gifted you. It covered most of it, with only a little bruising showing above the fabric. As long as you didn't stretch your neck or looked upwards you'd be fine though.

You moved the spoon of goo towards your mouth. It had a strange taste you couldn't quite compare to anything you've ever had on Earth and it definitely took some time getting used to it. When you swallowed it, you felt how painfully it went down your throat. You slightly winced in pain. Luckily, nobody was watching you.

Shiro, who was sitting across from you, spoke up to the whole table, "Since Lance is still healing and we can't leave Arus just yet, you're all free to rest today."

Pidge was already chatting to Hunk about what she would be programming today. Allura would be fixing the Castle and Coran would be helping her.

You could go back to your room and lock yourself up for the rest of the day but you wouldn't. You couldn't afford rest because you told yourself you'd train whenever you could. Something like yesterday where you couldn't defend your teammates, not even yourself, could not happen again. Never, because the next time could end fatal.

You ate up and went to change into your armor in your room. Looking at the mirror again, you were reminded of what you desperately wanted to remember yesterday. The Zirakal. You'd have to ask Allura about it today, it seemed like it was important and apparently Zendak wanted you there someday. All sorts of possibilities went through your head, you shuddered at the thought of them and decided to just ignore it for now. No point in stressing about it just yet.

Your armor covered the bruise just the same and you were satisfied with that. You made your way to the training deck after paying Lance a short visit in the med bay. Seeing his stats on the screen improve calmed you down, only a little more than 24 hours to go until he's out and fine. Allura and Coran where preparing and repairing things on the Castle and Pidge was talking to Shiro. You wondered where Hunk went off to.

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