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Your breath shuddered. You could actually see the air escaping your lips as you breathed, it had become that cold in this weird laboratory room.

The soldier that escorted you here had forced you on this table a while ago and fastened the straps, leaving you completely defenseless to whatever would happen to you after. Since then, you had been alone in here, the temperature slowly decreasing as you awaited your fate.

You were sure this was some kind of method to torture you, make you mentally worn out before they got started for real, but you wouldn't let that happen. They might press you for information about your team but you wouldn't give away a thing, not even if it meant your death. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you put anyone of them in danger.

You shivered. The fabric of your clothing was extremely thin, you felt the urge to curl up into a ball and retain the heat you had left in your body but those stupid restraints hindered you. You tugged at them, they were way too strong to give out any time soon. The table was tilted forward, so that you weren't exactly laying on the table, but leaning on it at an angle.

The look of this room didn't help your goose bumps either, you felt shivers running down your spine at the sight of the objects on the wall. Big drills, a saw and things you couldn't even identify but surely looked dangerous.

Just a few moths ago you were safely on Earth, worrying about exams and the flight simulator, now you had to worry about aliens sawing your limbs off. You put your lips into a line, trying to calm your breath. This is exactly what they wanted; for you to be scared at the sight of these things but could anyone really blame you for this to work pretty well?

You reassured yourself that It was completely normal to worry about this when the Galra under Zarkon's rule haven't been exactly known for being the friendly kind. You thought about Shiro, his arm that was now replaced by a prosthetic.

Would they do similar things to you? Would they even care to put you under for that? You didn't know if that was preferable to being awake and feeling your limb be cut off.

You felt a heaviness growing in your chest. You so desperately wanted to be home, wherever that was now. You wanted to see your room again, lay in your bed, see your friends again, even your mom. You wondered what she was doing right now. Maybe she was visiting Dad's grave, or going to the grocery store. Did she ever miss you?

Her love for you may have gone cold years ago but you were sure her embrace would still feel like a warm blanket in comparison to this. You refrained yourself from grimacing.

Funny how you only now came to crave her presence again, but it must be some primal instinct or something, you figured. Everyone would want to hold their parents hands again when faced with something probably worse than death.

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