New mission

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Keith POV:

Keith hurried across the corridors of the Castle, making his way down to the lift where a certain "prisoner" was held.

Lotor apparently had decided to join their side, giving Team Voltron intel about bases and weaknesses of the Galran empire they could exploit. Until now, everything had proven to be true. Voltron- or rather, most of the team- made their way through their missions pretty easily.

He was still held in a secure prison, though, until all of them decided he was to be trusted. Especially Allura seemed to be still wary, and he understood why. His prior appearances didn't really make it seem like he was out to work as a team. For all they knew, Lotor could just be using Voltron for his own ulterior motives.

While Keith still worked with the Blade, he tried everything to find out about where (Y/N) could be located, but it seemed like the resources the Blade possessed weren't enough to help him find her.

He had to take this chance, ask the one person with reliable information about her possible whereabouts.

Keith entered the elevator, pressing the button to bring him underground. Immediately, he felt the familiar sensation of the cabin moving downwards. He listened to the calm whirring noises of the elevator, although his mind was anything but calm.

He barely got sleep lately. Either, he used all his time to work on finding (Y/N), or his racing thoughts wouldn't let him rest, his mind too occupied with what could be happening to her while he did nothing. He couldn't handle it.

From afar, he was already able to see the cell and the bridge leading up to it. The entire lower floor was empty except for it, Keith wondered what event warranted the built of a room like this in the past, but he didn't think much about it when the doors opened. He had a mission in mind, the most important one of his life.

He practically jumped out of the cabin, trying to look calm and put together in front of Lotor while still hurrying to save precious time.

"The Red paladin, what an honor to finally see you," Lotor greeted with a grin.

"Former," Keith corrected firmly. (Y/N) was the Red Paladin now.

"Right, apologies. I should have known by the different uniform."

Keith looked down to his purple suit, the one from the Blade.

He halted right in front of the glass separating the two of them, crossing his arms as he looked him up and down. Would he really be willing to give out any information to him?

He had to try at least, is what Keith told himself. After all, helping them find (Y/N) would also be beneficial for him, if he wasn't really part of the Galra empire anymore, that is.

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