The Ball pt3

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Cyran opened the door to the ballroom and what you saw inside just completely took your breath away. You let out a silent gasp as your eyes wandered from one side of the room to the other.

The ceiling was so high up you had to crane your neck to properly see it. It was adorned with all kinds of golden decorations and beautifully painted with a scenery, just like the one in the dining hall you saw last time.

In the middle hung a huge chandelier; its crystals hung low but coordinated in a such a way so that the reflected light would reach from the ceiling to about half the rooms height, but not on the floor or anywhere where it would be blinding. The walls were both covered in vines, which where adorned with crystals as well, and lanterns that lit up the whole area in a beautiful warm light.

You let your gaze wander lower and saw the buffet, which looked so much more colorful than you've expected. All sorts of fruits and other foods laid on tablets. There was even a small fountain with something transparent flowing through. It looked like some sort of syrup, people were holding fruits under it.

The whole atmosphere felt magical, you had to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't just making this up. It was truly like a dream come true, you always dreamt of places like this when you were younger, your inner child was screaming in glee.

"What do you think of it?" Cyran asked, and you snapped your head back to him. You fumbled for an answer, not knowing how to express the things you felt.

"It's.." you started but got lost in thought before coming up with the rest of the answer. You really wished you could show this place to your father, he would've loved it as much as you did.

"...just wow," you finished your sentence off. Cyran laughed.

"Yeah, I'd say it's pretty wow as well. How do you like the painting on the ceiling?"

"It looks wonderful, I'm sure it took ages to draw something like this," you replied, looking up again.

"A few days, yes," he said. "I saw you stare at the wall painting in the dining room and thought you might have liked it. So," he shrugged, "I had the idea to paint the ceiling in the same style and I have to say I think I like it just as much as you. You have great taste, (Y/N)."

Your eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, so you had the ceiling painted because of me?"

He nodded yes, smiling the kind of smile that made your heartbeat quicken every time without fail. He did this for you? What did you do to deserve this much kindness?

"That's so sweet...," you said, locking eyes with him. Yeah, you were not sure why he was doing all that for you and how you could ever repay him for that. You smiled back at him and for a moment, you forgot the whole ballroom entirely. You were too occupied with analyzing the color of his dark eyes.

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