The ball pt2

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂"Welcome to our ball, (Y/N)

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"Welcome to our ball, (Y/N). It's good to see you again.

You halted a few meters before him, smiling from one ear to the other as you watched him and the whole scenery behind Cyran.

"I'm so glad to see you too," you replied almost breathless.

After seeing death and plain walls and stressed out people and cruelty for the past few... who knows how long, this was just a dream come true. Everything looked so lovely and you felt like a child again, watching your princess movies. Only that this time you stood right in front of that childhood fantasy of yours.

Cyran wore his black hair styled back and you must admit, it looked good. Instead of his usual brown pants and dark blue vest, he wore a white lace-up blouse with golden accents that was tucked into his black pants. On his head, he had a golden crown. It was a rather thin one, nothing like the ones you would usually see on kings. Instead, his was shaped like a vine with leaves all over. Over all of that, he wore a belt with a sword sheathed at his hip.

"Oh, and welcome to you too, Keith," Cyran added before grinning at him. Keith didn't reply with much, only nodding his head at him and giving a short "Hey." before taking in the view with a skeptical look. It wasn't unusual of him at all, he always analyzed a place closely, no matter how safe it seemed.

He once told you that when you were at the Garrison. During another afternoon of detention you got to know his character a little better. Apparently, and he didn't tell you why, he always felt the need to analyze places for exits and safety before ever feeling comfortable somewhere. You asked him where that need stemmed from but that he didn't reveal.

"How do you like it here?"

You snapped your head back to where the voice came from. Cyran looked to you with a raised eyebrow, awaiting your answer.

"Oh, it's just so dreamy. Looks like it's straight out of a fairy tale!" you told him, smiling again.

Right then, someone stormed out the exit and rushed towards you, it was Elora. Her dress was a beautiful shade of green that flowed in the wind as she jogged through the backyard, one hand waving in big motions as she yelled out your name. Her blonde hair was tucked in a half up, half down style and styled in a wavy pattern.

"(Y/N), I was scared you wouldn't come," she said, clinging onto your arm as she pulled you into a hug. You reciprocated, careful not to ruin her hair or smear your make up on her dress. She backed up and you got to see it closer. It went to her ankles and was double-layered. The first layer was the green one and on top, she wore a transparent material that was adorned with pearls that looked like water. The shoulders were covered to her elbows with a loose fabric that was held together by a cape clasp at the front. It was almost ridiculous how well it fit her. You noticed that she was wearing that same crown as Cyran as well, so it must be one specifically designed for them as prince and princess. You wondered what the king's and Queen's crowns looked like.

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