Parallel places

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂"Good morning," a voice from behind called out to you

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"Good morning," a voice from behind called out to you. You turned your neck to see that it was Keith, entering the hangar with a raised hand to wave at you. Reciprocating it half heartedly, you turned around again and waited for him to make himself comfortable on the floor next to you.

"You came here to say bye to Red?" you asked him, looking up at the Lion in front of you. She sat tall, her eyes glowing since you entered this morning, it was now about 10 AM.

"No, I already did." He crossed his legs and propped his elbows on them. "I was looking for you."

You nodded, acknowledging what he said, when he elaborated. "This is yours now," he said as he activated his bayard and held it out to you.

You took it with a short "Thanks" and deactivated it. You fought without the use of the bayard yesterday when you were led into the gas planet by Lotor.

It was a mess to say the least. Half of the team wasn't used to their lions yet and still, Keith insisted on following Lotor's ship into the gassy atmosphere of a planet that would completely sever the communication between you all beyond the distance of like a few meters at most.

You tried to dissuade him from going further but he couldn't be reasoned with at all. Every attempt was met with a dismissal of your proposal because "the mission was too important to abort", which ultimately led to you all getting separated from each other.

Without your bayard and sitting in Red instead of Gray, you had been pretty sure this was the end of you.

Luckily for you, though, Lance used Blue to create a sonar image of the place and navigated through this maze of a planet to collect you all into a big group.

Needless to say, the mission was not a success and all it did was sour the mood of everyone.

It did come with a realization for you though. You now knew not to waste any time with bonding with Red. Your opponents wouldn't sit around and wait for you to be ready, and Keith apparently wouldn't either.

So this morning, you took a few hours out of your morning to sit in Red's hangar and connect your minds as best as you could. It wasn't that difficult but in comparison to Gray, it did feel more intense so you took some breaks in between. You did feel like you were making good progress though.

"How has flying Red been for you?" he asked, starting casual conversation as he raised his head to look at her as well.

"Stressful, considering the circumstances I flew her in," you replied shortly.

A sigh from him, he knew what you were thinking about right now.

"Sorry, about what I did yesterday," he apologized. You turned your head to glance at him while his eyes were on the floor now, his hands fidgeting.

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