The comet

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You wondered where Shiro had been all this time. From what you heard of him, all he remembered was the fight with Zarkon and then somehow ending up on a Galra ship, from which he escaped. It was not much to work with, but you were sure some memories would come back to him over time.

You watched his door as you passed the rooms. Keith was still in there talking to him so you decided to walk by.

Although you barely had time to rest between this mess on planet Saorana and getting Shiro back, you knew you'd already be on your next mission today and you weren't sure if Keith was leading this or if Shiro was already up to the task.

You had to get back the comet from the trans-reality portal that you encountered a few days ago. Although you had it right until the end, somehow Lotor's team managed to snatch it away right when Voltron lost its power when you passed through said portal. It was frustrating to say the least, having fought this much just for it to end up in someone else's hands, but you were determined to get it back.

The door of Shiro's room opened and Keith stepped out, his hand combing through his bangs. Upon seeing you, his cheeks seemed to flush a little. Yours did too, the both of you were remembering the intense training session of just before.

"So, what's the plan for today?" you asked, trying to steer the topic to something that would not make the atmosphere as awkward.

"I think you know. We're getting that comet back," he replied, walking beside you to the bridge. "Shiro will join us soon. I think he's feeling well rested now."

"That's great news," you replied, feeling happy for him. Still, something in the back of your mind disturbed your inner peace. You halted in your steps, making him stop as well. He furrowed his brows, waiting for you to explain yourself.

"Um, you know I was thinking," you began, wondering how you should put it. "Now that Shiro's back, he would pilot the Black Lion again, right?"

Keith nodded, crossing his arms. "I suppose."

"And well, that means you'd go back to Red." You clasped your hands into each other. "I guess that means I'd go back to Gray, but I don't want to steal Allura's spot. She always wanted to contribute to the team by being a paladin."

"Mh," was all Keith said in reaction. He seemed to be thinking about it.

"What should we do? Should I step aside? Is that even my choice?" You knew the Lion's decided this more than you did, but the thought of stepping aside made you feel just as bad as taking Allura's position as the pilot of Gray. It seemed like a whole dilemma.

"You shouldn't worry about that, (Y/N). Just like you said, it's not even our choice."

You looked up to him, his soft smile as he looked into your eyes. "Don't stress about it, okay? It'll work itself out on its own," he encouraged you, before raising his arm to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear again, just like on the training deck. It caught you by surprise, but not an ounce of hesitation was seen from his side.

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