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You paced from one spot to another in the lab, waiting for Pidge to finish up scanning Shiro's arm while the rest of the team watched.

From what Keith told you, you were the last person on the team to be found because unlike the others, you didn't put up a distress signal. Thus, finding you had been more of a challenge than it normally would have been. You wanted to slap yourself for that now that you thought about it. How could you forget?

In the meantime, Shiro healed his wounds in the healing pod and awoke from a dream, or more of a memory, telling him to scan his arm for some coordinates. Now that you were back with the team as well, you were finally getting to doing that, although you wouldn't have minded if they started without you.

You've been pacing around this place for what felt like eternity now and you were tired.

Pidge leant over her desk, typing on her keyboard. "I'm not finding any coordinates in here. Are you sure this wasn't just a dream?" she asked, looking at Shiro with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm positive, someone helped me escape."

"And he was Galra?" Allura asked for clarification, her tone already showing her distaste.

"Yes," he replied, sighing.

"You know you cannot trust them."

You stopped pacing around, walking to stand next to Keith as they discussed this further when Shiro spoke up again, "Your father must have trusted them once. Zarkon was the original black paladin, wasn't he?"

Your eyes widened at the question. Zarkon? A paladin? You couldn't picture that scary looking monster ever being a pilot for the universes protector. How did that make sense?

Allura, looked around before lowering her head. "That was a long time ago," she admitted, looking uncomfortable.

"Wait what?"

"Why didn't you just tell us the truth about Zarkon?" Shiro asked. He turned to her on the stool he was sitting on, his arm still wired to Pidge's computer.

"I wanted to protect you from the dark history of the paladins so you would have a chance to bond with your lions on your own." She looked up from the ground. "You are the Black Paladin now, not Zarkon."

Shiro muttered something you couldn't quite make out when Pidge suddenly spoke up, shifting your attention to the screen. Apparently she found some repeating numbers in the Galra code. After extracting it, she projected it onto another screen, showing you the coordinates of a solar system.

"That's where we're headed then," Shiro said, determination in his tone.

"Shiro, are you sure you can trust this?" Keith asked, his arms crossed as he looked to Shiro's arm. "I mean, after all the Galra have done to you. They took your arm!"

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