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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂You were sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen, watching Hunk cook

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You were sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen, watching Hunk cook.

"How do you know what you're doing? Those ingredients look so... foreign."

He sliced up a rainbow colored fruit into slim pieces. "I just wing it, honestly. And some of these things taste similar to what we have on Earth so it's really not that complicated."

He picked up a slice and handed it to you. "Here, try it. Tastes almost like tomatoes, doesn't it?"

You took it from him and inspected it. It was almost transparent, that's how thin the slice was. You put it in your mouth and chewed it. The texture was definitely not the same but it really did taste like tomatoes.

"You're right! The taste is the same."

"Now try this. Almost like strawberries." It was blue and purple all over and kind of shaped like an avocado. You bit it. The shell was hard, like that of an orange, but once you bit through it the inside almost spilled out. It was runny like an egg. You cringed at the feeling of it in your mouth.

"I know, super weird texture," Hunk admitted.

You hummed in agreement, almost wanting to spit it out. It definitely tasted like strawberries though.

After that, he made you try all sorts of foods, from things that were just like on Earth to things that you've never even tasted before.

"Ugh, this one's disgusting." You ran over to the bin and spat it out.

"I know, right? Coran told me it was a delicacy here." He laughed in disbelief as he put together the last bowl.

"Impossible." He must have been kidding. No way anyone would enjoy that. It tasted rotten, like death and a swamp combined.

"That's what I thought too, but he ate it right in front of me and it looked like he enjoyed it."

He picked two of the bowls up and handed you one of them. "Mind helping me carry them?"

"Not at all, let's go," you replied as you took it from him. He picked up the other bowl and hurried around the kitchen isle and over to you.

In the dining hall, Keith and Lance sat at the table with both fork and knife in hand. You walked over and placed the bowls in front of them. Their eyes lit up at the sight of the meals before completely digging in, swallowing the food before properly chewing. They must have been really hungry.

"Easy guys, you don't want to choke on it, do you?" you told them as you leaned against the table, your arms crossed.

Lance looked to you with a stuffed mouth. "But it's so delicious," he argued. Keith didn't even look at you but they both did as you told. You thought back to yesterday and wondered if Keith's injury was fine again. Today morning when you looked in the mirror, your bruise was completely gone. It was probably the same for him. Altean medicine really was impressive.

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