Escaping Death

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂Just when you thought you were done with the almost-dying, the universe seemed to have another foul trick up its sleeve

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Just when you thought you were done with the almost-dying, the universe seemed to have another foul trick up its sleeve.

“What do we do now?!” you asked frantically while trying to look for something to elevate yourselves. There was nothing except for empty stalls and some products. And the accumulating water. So. much. water.

You couldn´t run around the room properly with the water up to your ankles now, every step feeling like you were carrying weights on your feet.

Keith was already at the door again, trying to pry it open with his bare hands and failing miserably. He groaned and shook his arms before attempting the same thing again.

“It´s not gonna work,” you said as you walked over to him slowly, still feeling nauseous from the gas.

He looked as serious as ever but by the way his eyebrows twitched ever so slightly, you knew he was just as stressed as you were. And who wouldn't? It seemed like you were about to drown if you didn't get out of here any time now.

The water was up to your thighs now.
"Shit, this is going way too fast," you cursed. What could you possibly do now?! Keith was now banging on the door as well, just like you did minutes ago. You were not expecting to get lucky twice, though. No way someone would be walking by again.

"Is this it?" you asked into the room. Looking around, you saw absolutely nothing that could possibly help you get out now and the ceiling was not that high to give you enough time until the whole space was filled. You'd have like 4 minutes tops until you had to take your last breath.

"Of course not!" Keith snapped, banging against the door even harder. He quickly stopped, though, probably letting the seriousness of the situation sink in even further. He rested his palm on the door before letting it slowly slide down.

"We just have to think of something," he muttered, looking around.
"Something? Sounds like a plan for sure," you replied sarcastically. Maybe you shouldn't be doing this, throwing remarks at him, but the stress was getting to you.

"I don't know! Ok?!" He crossed his arm, starting to scratch and pinch it as he looked down, probably thinking of what to do. You slapped his hand away softly.
"Stop it," you said.

He just gave you a confused look so you elaborated, "Don't hurt yourself."

"It doesn't hurt. Why do you care."

"You gotta work on your coping mechanisms man." You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. Some things just always stayed the same.

"I guess it doesn't matter now, huh."

You looked around, the water was now up to your torso. It was awfully cold and started bubbling up in some places. You guessed the products opened up somewhere and spilled into the water. Great, will totally be easy on the eyes.

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