Rescue mission pt2

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂Something dragged you to the ground, a tight grip on your arm as it happened

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Something dragged you to the ground, a tight grip on your arm as it happened.

You wanted to scream out in surprise- and horror to be honest- but before you had the chance to do so a hand was already wrapped around your mouth. What the hell was happening right now?!

With both of your arms shooting forward to push the creature away, you collided with a hard armor, then a face. Oh wait.

"Who is this?!" you managed to say despite your mouth being covered but that only led to the grip tightening. This was your cue to just keep quiet.

Your fingers moved along the strangers face and they leaned away from your touch- which totally made sense because you were feeling their face up and down- but you immediately recognized the glasses and hair.

It was Pidge.

You let out a sigh of relief, letting your head fall on the mud beneath you. At least you were not alone in this anymore.

The heavy steps of the creature got louder, halted just around were you were. Your heartbeat quickened, thumping so loudly in your chest, you feared the sound of it alone would give you away immediately. Then, something unexpected happened.

The creature seemed to be walking in a circle, before going into the wrong direction. So they had no way to locate you exactly if you made no sound or if you weren't close enough it seemed.

When the footsteps faded, Pidge quickly pulled you to your feet. You picked up both your and Hunk's helmet after you when she led you to her Lion, where she managed to open it and take you inside.

You stumbled after her, careful not to trip and make a loud noise until the jaw of Green shut after you. Immediately, the lights went on and you could finally see again.

It was blinding at first, forcing you to squint your eyes.

"(Y/N)!" Pidge cried out before jumping into your arms. You reciprocated her hug, pulling her close into you and resting your cheek on her shoulder.

"I'm so glad you found me," you sighed.

"I was wrong! I led the whole team into danger. It's my fault!"

She let go of you, slinging her arms around herself in a way to comfort herself. She had a look full of guilt on her face. "I'm sorry."

"Pidge, it's okay." You rested a hand on her shoulder and she looked up to you. "Things like that just happen sometimes, how could you have known? We should rather focus on what to do now."

"I guess you're right," she mumbled, although that guilt didn't leave her face just yet. You guessed she'd only feel relieved once everyone was fine again.

"So, what do we do then? Do you have any idea what exactly we are dealing with? I mean, I just know that these creatures imitated our teammates and that one of them had Hunk's helmet," you explained, holding out the yellow helmet to her, which she took.

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