Liadore pt2

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"...Wait what?!" you asked incredulously. You've been talking to the Prince of this planet the whole time?! Your jaw was practically on the floor.

"Yes, the handsome man that rescued you is in fact the prince of Liadore. Nice to meet you," he said grinning. He lightly put his hand under your chin and closed your mouth. "Come on," he said softly, "I'll explain everything on the way."

You both continued walking to the castle, but suddenly everything about it felt different. You've been rude to a royalty just a few minutes ago, would this have any consequences? Probably not, but you wouldn't have acted as harshly if you knew from the beginning.

Wait, that sounded shallow, you shouldn't treat him any differently now.

You sighed. No, nothing changed... except for your chances with him. You tried to conceal a smile that crept its way to the corners of your mouth. Since when did you care? You were on a mission here. He probably had a bunch of royal ladies lined up for him to marry anyway.

"What are you thinking about?" Cyran asked, tilting his head down so he would face you directly.

"Oh, nothing important. Just thinking about... you?"

He laughed, letting his head fall back. "Nothing important, huh? Okay, I get it."

"No wait," you stammered once you realized what you said but you couldn't help but join in on his laughter. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I know, I know. I'm just joking," he said as his laughter died down. He smiled, looking into the distance. The sun seemed to already be setting, the light shining directly into your eyes. You squinted your eyelids, holding a hand in front to shield yourself.

"It's already getting dark?" you asked, watching his features glow in the light.

"No, it won't get dark for another while." He pointed to the sun, showing the path it'll take in the sky. "It'll stay right there and move along the horizon for a bit before setting on the other side."

"Huh," you huffed, "that's so cool."

"You don't have that on Earth?" he asked, butchering the name of your planet, but you didn't correct him.

"No, it rises on one side and sets on the other, that's it."

"Simple, I like it."

"You seem to like a lot of things," you stated as you crossed a bridge over a lake. "It's almost not even a compliment anymore," you said, laughing.

The water glistened in the setting sun. It almost looked animated, the way the light reflected off of it, as if it was liquid crystal that was flowing through the lake.

"I do like a lot of things," Cyran admitted, putting a hand to his chin and looking up as if in thought. "That's because I'm not really picky. Except for when it comes to my partner, of course." He let his hand drop to his side, grinning.

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