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The next time you opened your eyes, you suddenly fell forward. You yelped in surprise, holding your arms out in front as you made your way to the ground.

You clenched your eyes shut before you felt a pair of arms hug your upper body.

"What the-," you croaked out as you lifted your head and looked around. You were in the med bay, and you were absolutely freezing. Everyone else was here too. The people you rescued, they were walking around and tending to each other.

Were you in the healing pod just now? You looked back and confirmed it. The door to it was still open and cold steam left the chamber. The other ones next to you were occupied as well.

How did you end up in there? The last thing you remembered was laying in Keith's arms in the Red lion.

Did you actually fall asleep then? Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" a voice next to your ear spoke. You flinched, jumping out of the embrace you were in until now. It was Shiro, who looked to you with worry as you stumbled backwards.

"Whoa, yes. Yes, I'm fine," you replied before looking around again. This time, you looked into the faces of your teammates, the people you had missed for a month. "How long did I sleep for?"

"A couple of hours," Shiro replied. "Maybe you should rest some more, though."

Lance stepped forward, opening his arms as he pressed you into a tight hug. "How come you fall asleep when it was our turn to welcome you? Only Keith got to hug you, so unfair!" he complained as he dropped his face on your shoulder.

You reciprocated the hug, pressing your hands on his back as you laughed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Well, you definitely needed the rest," Hunk commented as he joined the hug, covering the both of you with his arms.

Soon enough, the whole group was hugging you. The warmth of the embrace really made up for the coldness of the healing pod, and you savored the feeling. It felt like an eternity since you've felt so comfortable. Keith watched from the side, the both of you exchanging smiles.

"(Y/N), I've talked to the others of the group you rescued," Shiro told you, nodding to them, "they've told me about what you did; how you rescued all of them."

"Yeah," Pidge joined in, "two of them told me how you used the sentries to reboot each other. That was so smart!"

You suddenly felt a firm hand on your shoulder. "What I'm trying to say is I'm incredibly proud of you," Shiro praised you. You immediately felt a warmth spread throughout your body. "Thank you," you replied, smiling to yourself.

Allura joined in as well, "Yes, especially in a situation like this, you managed to craft a well thought-out plan with little to no recourses to not only rescue yourself, but all the other people as well. That is truly impressive."

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