Training pt2

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Coran's new idea of bringing you all together as a team led outside, with you all flying in your Lions in formation. Despite your exhaustion from all the training before, you kind of enjoyed this. Your view outside went foggy from all the mist of the clouds from time to time but you confidently maneuvered through it.

Coran's voice sounded over the comms, "You'll never be able to form Voltron, unless each of you has a strong bond with his lion."

"No problem," Lance exclaimed, "Me and Blue are best buds for life, for real."

"Perfect! Then you won't have any issues with this exercise. Everyone, put your Lions into a nose-dive!"

You all complied. Shifting the handles forward, you steered your Lion downwards.

"This is an expert-level drill that you really shouldn't attempt until you've been flying for years, but we're in a bit of a rush, so here we go."

Suddenly, your vision turned black. You gasped in shock and looked around. "What is going on?!" You heard the others complaining over the comms as well. Now that your vision was compromised, you suddenly felt scared about your Lion being in a nose-dive position.

"You must learn to see through your lions' eyes. the goal is to pull up right before you crash into the ground. Feel what the Lion feels!"

You wanted to seriously try to do it, you really did, but there was no way you'd risk crashing into the ground. Especially not with that injury of yours. You tried to hold the position, gripping the handles as tight as you could to stop your hands from trembling but no. You immediately pulled them back, stopping your Lion.

You heard Hunk giving up next to you as well.

"Oh man, sorry Gray. We'll try again next time."

You felt your Lion hum in the back of your mind, telling you it's okay. It made you feel at ease.

You waited like this for a few minutes before your helmet was clear and you could see again. The exercise was over and you all headed inside.


"What? You both really crashed?" you asked Lance, who was giving you all the details about how he won against Keith outside. He was half-skipping next to you, probably joyed over his victory against his "arch nemesis".

"Yeah, but that's beside the point, I made it down first." he shrugged his shoulders with a grin.

You looked over to Keith, who was walking next to you both with his arms crossed.

"Good job then, Lance," you laughed, "you get a high-five as your prize."

You held out your hand but he pointed to his cheek. "How about a kiss for a prize instead?"

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