Letting it get to you

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꧁────────♡-♡-♡────────꧂Once you all exited your Lions, you rested in front of the Castle

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Once you all exited your Lions, you rested in front of the Castle. Allura, accompanied by Coran, ran outside, clasping her hands together.

"Good work paladins!" she cheered.

"Thanks pretty lady." Lance said, taking his helmet off.

While they all talked, you sat on the ground and looked up to the sky, watching the sunset and feeling the warm light hitting your face. You closed your eyes and concentrated on the sensation of it. It reminded you of home again and you felt like you were there, on the playground with your father, swinging as high as you could on the swing. On those particular days, the sunsets often looked just like that. Back then you thought you could actually reach the sun if you swung high enough. You smiled at the memories, tears threatening to come out. You just kept your eyes closed.

"(Y/N), you coming?" You heard Shiro's voice call for you. You opened your eyes to see that the others were going inside. You must have zoned out too much. When he looked into your eyes, you saw a little expression of surprise on his face. He must have noticed your teary eyes.

He sat himself beside you, looking into the sky. "Tell me what's bothering you, I'll listen," he said.

You looked at the ground, picking up pebbles and rolling them in your hand. "Nothing, really. I was just thinking of home," you replied.

"Mhh, I get it. Leaving home so suddenly must be hard on all of you."

You flicked the pebble away from you and picked up another.

"I can't tell you exactly when we'll be able to go back but I promise you we will. You'll meet your family again."

"Thanks Shiro, but it's not that. I was just thinking about my father. You know he's-"

"Yes, I remember you told me. When I bailed you out of suspension."

"Right," you chuckled, "but I'm not crying or something because I'm sad, I like remembering him. It brings me comfort."

"That's good."

You both watched the sunset for a minute. It was already halfway down, the light turning orange. The resemblance of this sunset to earth's was crazy. Then you looked over to your Lion standing there. You thought about the events of the whole day.



"What if I'm not fit to be the Gray Paladin?"

He met your eyes, "Why wouldn't you be?"

You kept your worries in the back of your mind for the whole time but you felt like you had to tell someone now. And talking to him, you realized it'd be best to tell Shiro about it. He was really easy to talk to.

"It's not like I'm seriously doubting my abilities just because, yknow? But when I heard what Allura said about the Gray Paladin forming deep connections with people and all that, I felt like I couldn't really identify with that. What if the team really needs someone like that to succeed but I'm just not that person?"

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