The Zirakal pt2

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You approached a door at the end of the hallway, one that was guarded by sentries walking by every minute. Just like you had anticipated, this was the room Layka had been talking about.

You blinked away your tears, rubbing your eyes with your free hand before the guards opened the door. "We'll pick you up later. Don't try anything," one of them warned before they threw you inside.

You stumbled on your heels, almost making contact with the floor but you caught yourself. Your legs felt weak, everything felt weird since you found out about Cyran and Elora. You should've known.

You looked up, taking in the people in front of you. Lexi and Elian stood by the wall in the back, their arms crossed as they waited for you to say anything.

Right, you had to tell them about the plan.

"I know some of you," you realized, letting your gaze wander over the people who were sat on the floor. "A lot of you were on the ball on Liadore."

You thought back to what you had written on the capsule that Keith received. Almost all of these families were involved, but you had told them only about Layka's family because you didn't know better than that. Hopefully they figured out the rest on their own.

You let yourself drop to the floor as well, and Lexi and Elian rushed over to you. You could now see them better in the light of this room. Lexi had a yellow complexion, with purple accents on the arms, going down in waves. Her eyes were purple as well and her same-colored hair fell to her shoulders. Elian on the other hand had a turquoise complexion. Unlike the both of you, he seemed to have a hardened shell around his arms and torso- it almost looked metallic. He wore black glasses, similar to the ones on Earth, and had pointy ears.

The both of them knelt down to you, Lexi put her hand on your shoulder to reassure you. "What happened out there?" she asked in a worried tone.

"Cyran, the prince of Liadore. I was close friends with that guy before all this. He's the one who sold me off." You hugged yourself tightly, looking down.

Elian sat down on the floor next to you, putting a hand to his chin in thought before he asked, "You admitted you were somewhat special before, right? What did you do before you got here?"

"Um, I was a paladin of Voltron. We fight against the Galra, not sure if you heard of it before," you replied, eyeing him as he thought.

"Mh, makes sense then. You do know the purpose of those balls you talked about earlier?"

"Yeah of course. My cellmate, Layka, told me a while ago."

Some people from the crowd suddenly spoke up. "Layka? You were with her?"

You nodded. Some girl, a little younger than you, looked to you, then through the crowd. "Where is she?"

You bit on your lip. "She um, didn't." You swallowed hard, taking a deep breath. "She didn't make it."

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