Chapter 2

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"Your husband" was this really going to be my husband? Someone I don't even know?

"Why you?" I say with disgust. One day I'll get my revenge, I'm not the property of no one, I thought to myself.

"Your father owes me a lot of money moonlight. have you ever wondered how it was that he was so successful? If it were up to me, he would've been dead by now, but it seems your father had other plans.

"Im not going anywhere with you, let alone marry you!" I yell at him

"Is that so?" He laughs, "you're mine whether you like it or not" he snaps back, this time with a tone of control. He walked up to me with a small red velvet case, He takes my left hand, his hands warm to the touch but rough like sand paper. He opens the box and to my surprise it was a beautiful diamond ring.

As he's putting the ring on my finger, he bends down close to my ear and whispers "you can't escape me now" he said, pushing me aside to leave out the door. How long will this be? I say, anger filling through my body like a deadly fever.

"Until I've gotten my money" He said in a cold voice. "I suppose you get to packing because you'll be staying with me tonight, and while you're at it say your goodbyes. You won't be coming back anytime soon."

I was angry, furious even. "FUCK!!" I yell out of frustration, I realized the true gravity of my situation. I was being shipped off by my dad with a man I wasn't too aware of besides the fact that he was in a band. He seemed like a self centered arrogant bastard, For me being his wife to be, he sure acts as cold as ice. Is he even capable of love?

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