Chapter 55

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[3 months later]

It's now May. I've recovered from surgery and I'm finding my way back into life. I miss him so much.. why did he leave me that night? Bill and rest of the guys refuse to let me know anything, I'm not sure why. I had been nothing but good to Tom and he... he lied to me, and we had..fallen in love, or maybe I did...but he was...everything to me.

I'm trapped in a world with no love and hope. Stuck in a dimension where him and I cannot Nevertheless, my heart is aching for him. Hoping that one day, him and I will be reunited and able to love each other the way we wanted. I will stay as the beautiful moon who has nothing but the darkness. Beautiful and lonely at the same time.

Yes, we lost our child, and with the damage done to me I'm not sure if I can have any.. but I have yet to find out if I officially cannot have children, and I'm not sure if I do. Maybe I'm selfish and maybe he felt relieved in knowing that he didn't have to worry for a child. And maybe.. I felt better knowing that my unborn child didn't have to live a life where his father most likely resented him.

Over the past months, there was a lot of death happening. Almost every day, there were news of drug lords and corrupt business man dying in 'tragic accidents' all over the states surrounding us.... It all started as soon as Tom disappeared.

Investigators believe that they have a serial killer on their hands, every single victim has their eyes open. Disappointment was flooding me once again; was he doing this?

I found myself constantly feeling lost, broken, lifeless. I wouldn't eat unless Scarlett or Bill would come up to my room with food. Often times I'd find myself staring out my window, waiting for him to arrive, but other days I'd hope he never arrived. He was the reason why my mother had died...Willow.


"Luna? May we come in? It's Bill and Scarlett!"

"Come in.."

"Hey..Luna, you should get ready." Bill says, in a soft tone.

"Why." I say, my back turned to them, staring out the window.

"We're taking you to go dress shopping." Scarlett says.

I turn around to face them. "What's the point in going dress shopping if I will soon cease to exist." I say, my voice breaking as I uttered the words, that would soon become a reality for me. "We can always go another time, the wedding isn't until June." Bill says, reassuring me. "If you thought that would make me feel better maybe stop trying." I say.


Something is seriously wrong with Luna, she's no longer that warm and radiant girl like she's always been. Something died in her after that night, her demeanor is cold, she has this intimidation in her that you could have never imagined. When she looks at you, you feel a wave of darkness, sadness and anger. Bill and I have tried our best to give her all the comfort she needs, and she always puts on a smile and does her best to seem normal but nothing is normal about her, she has no color on her cheeks, she looks hollow. Empty.


When I look into Luna's eyes I can't help but feel hurt, I can only imagine how she must feel with her losing a child and my brother at the same time. The night Tom left he told us to never reach him, the day we would see him would be the day of the wedding. The guys and I know he went on to seek vengeance, it's not everyday hundreds of people go missing in a week and end up with opened eyes, dead. Georg and I have done our best to find out who showed Luna everything, someone obviously had this planned out. Who? We aren't sure, we've tried to ask Luna but she has said that she wasn't sure, she just received a box with Tom's information, we all wanted to tell Luna the truth but Tom wants to tell her himself, I'm not sure how he'll do it.

"How long until the wedding." Luna says, her voice soft, cold.

"6 weeks." I reply.

"Well then we better get going, no."

"Yes!" Scarlett interrupts.

"Let us help you up!" I say, as me and Scarlett approach her.

"I can do it myself, thanks." She says, a wave of darkness radiating off of her. We both step back, Scarlett seemed hurt. "We'll wait for you outside." Scarlett says, turning her head down and walking away.


My mind constantly reminds me of Luna, no matter what I'm doing or where I'm going I can't seem to get the image of her from that night away from me. I think I lost her. I lied to her, I'm no better. But I can't get her out of my head. She's the one for me, the only woman I ever loved. She showed me I was capable of love by owning my heart and soul. And now my mind is playing tricks on me. It's like she's facing me, looking like the goddess that she is and leaving me in an instant. I've done my best to forget about her, erase her image from my mind. But somehow even when I'm asleep I can't help but think about her, dream about her.

I find myself calling her on burner phones just to hear her voice, she doesn't know it's me. But hearing her voice eases me, she's like a drug made specifically for me. I've kept tabs on her, I know she's hurt...In almost every update I've received she's in her room, she has not once gone out. I find my heart breaking knowing how horrible she might feel, resented by me, feeling like she drove me away from her. I'm not sure if I want to face her, make her change her mind. Maybe her hating me is the best thing that can happen for us... I can't bare to see her hurt like that again. Not anymore.

I decided to call her, once again just to hear her sweet voice.

"Hello." She says, her voice doesn't sound quite like it usually does... she sounds bitter.

"Hello?......" she says once again. I felt like saying something, Luna I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry for being the reason you cannot have children anymore...I'm sorry for hurting you.

She then speaks again "Tom. I-is that you." My heart skipped a beat, I hung up. "Shit." I felt like setting the world on fire, hearing her voice break at the realization that I was calling. She didn't deserve to be brought into a world of pain, hurt. She deserved to live in a world where she could be happy, live a life where pain doesn't exist. I'm a monster, I know. But maybe Roman was a better choice for her. He wasn't as bad and I know he can provide a lot more than I can for physically be there for her.

"Sir, we have eyes on Alfred's soldiers. They're in the midst of a drug transaction."

"Find them and bring them to me. Alive." I say.

I respect Luna's decision. But that doesn't mean I'll make sure to ruin Alfred, driving him into his own death faster. I'd just give a little push.

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