Chapter 53

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I walked up the woman with the sweater.

"Oh you again? I told you-"

"Oh shut the hell up." I say, slapping her in the face and grabbing the sweater. I immediately run towards Scarlett.


"Woah what? HELL YEAH LUNA!" She says, grabbing the last couple of clothing she can get her hands on before running out of the mall, with unpaid clothing.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU'RE STEALING!" Someone shouts from behind us but we didn't care, as long as we were able to get away with the clothing, we felt complete.



"Stop laughing for fucks sake! I'm so embarrassed."

"I can't believe you actually slapped that bitch!"

"I Can never show up to that store again!! This is all their fault! They told me to stand up for myself!"

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they didn't mean that you should beat that person up, Luna." Scarlett says, laughing.

"That's not funny, Scarlett!"

"You're right.. it's hilarious!" She says, dying from laughter.

"Shit what do I do now? My life is ruined!" I say, face palming.

"How? Just because you gave that bitch a beating?"

"Okay just to clarify things... I didn't beat her up... I slapped her. and if she calls the cops I'm screwed!"

"It'll be alright."


"Tom wouldn't allow you to go to jail, silly! Besides, if she were to snitch on you, she'd also have to explain the reason why she got slapped. She was the one who badmouthed you in the first place. This could get uncomfortable for the both of you, and people like her are cowards. She won't say anything."

"I'm not sure.." I say, Scarlett extends her arm over to my shoulder, "hey it'll be okay, Luna!" She says, comforting me.

"Why did you even want that sweater? That looks like something Tom would wear.

"Hm.... Maybe I got it because I thought he'd like it.."


After Scarlett dropped me off home, I noticed the front door was opened... I thought it was weird but nothing seemed to be misplaced. Maybe Tom had forgotten to close the door? I made my way upstairs to my bedroom to find a box with a red rose inside and under it a whole folder with Tom's name. Had someone put this in my room by accident? I wasn't sure. I picked up the folder, a note falling from the folder.

Tom isn't who you think he is, your father has lost a lot of money, Luna. Your poor father is facing death and it's all Tom's fault... ever wondered why Tom doesn't let anyone inside his office? Go inside and look for a black and red photo album, your questions will be answered.

What? I picked up the folder and opened it, my eyes horrified by what I was about to witness. In the folder there were images, of dead bodies, and Tom standing right beside all of them... my eyes horrified by the images. I kept going through everything, there was a picture of  Tom... standing Infront of a grave... my mothers grave, the words willow engraved. That was my mothers name, sickness taking her away too fast or so I thought. My head was spinning but the more I looked at the photo, I noticed there was a faint message on the back of the picture.

'Tom is the reason why your mothers dead, and you chose to be with a monster?'

following that picture, a picture of Tom and I  sleeping in bed together. My head was spinning. What was going on?

I kept going through all the photos. Once I reached the last two photographs, there was a picture of my mother...and Tom. He seemed like a little boy, happy... but the second one, it was a picture of him, my mother on the ground, blood on the floor and Tom towering over her, blood on his hands. I felt sick to my stomach. I dropped the folder and went into Tom's office, going through the bookshelves and looking for the photo album the letter indicated.


After careful examination I finally found the photo album, looking through it, more horror. There were pictures of me, from before I had even met Tom, pictures of my mother, my father and.... Tom's parents? A picture of Tom and bill, holding onto a young woman and man, the woman appeared to be like Ms. Kaulitz, but not quite her. The boys were maybe around the ages of four in the photograph. But the more I kept looking through the album the more sick I felt, Tom had pictures of Mother, why? Was he some sort of stalker? And more importantly why did he have a picture of my fathers company building and under it the date 10/20/2010, the day I met Tom. "I think I'm going to throw up.." I say, immediately run towards a trash can, puking. What was going on? I thought to myself.

"Luna?" Tom says, from behind me, his eyes widening at what I had just seen. "Y-you're.. A MONSTER." I scream, for the first time Tom didn't seem to be upset but disappointed.

"H-how could you... you killed my mother... I-"

"Luna, that's not what happened, sit down... let's talk."


"Lun-" two men burst in the room, with guns.

"Tom Kaulitz and Luna Lancaster we condemn you to death by order of our Capo, Alfred Lancaster."

It all went too fast. The bullet leaving the body running towards Tom, shielding him. And... "LUNA!"


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