Chapter 5

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It's the next morning. I wake up to an unfamiliar bed, an unfamiliar room. There is this thing about fate, A cumulation of actions that lead to a particular event, and in that case my downfall.

I hear a knock at my door, it was a rough knock. Definitely not Wendy. I get up to open the door, as I open the door I trip on my dress. I fell at the feet of a man.. not okay! I got up, and when I looked up my heart hammered against my chest. I'm terrified. A monster stood before me, a man who's glance freezes you to death. A soulless god. "Are you alright" he says, my heart is bouncing, he's tall, you could distinguish the lines of his muscles under his shirt. He seemed like the type of man who hides his scars of his past, A man who can break you if you don't stay away. "I'm fine" I reply.

"We're going to a party tonight, dress appropriately, you'll be meeting some important people." He says. He steps into my bedroom and goes straight to my closet, after careful examination he then shouts, "You have nothing in here!" "I'm not the party type of girl" I respond. He stares at me for a moment, his piercing stare hitting me, making me uncomfortable.

"we're going shopping, get in the car" he says, walking out of the room. I change into a casual outfit, a simple White cropped T and Jean shorts and I'm out the door. What was I getting myself into?

Tom takes me to shop downtown in LA. It seemed nice but nobody seemed to enter inside. Why was that?

"Hello! Welcome Mr. Kaulitz, it's nice to see you again" a woman stood before us, she had long plum colored hair, glasses and a long black dress. She was sophisticated and dedicated to her job, that much was clear. Tom smiles at her, "Hello Miriam, Luna here needs a fitting for dresses, we're going to a party and she must look the part." He said, with full seriousness.

"First time you bring in one of your girls to a place like this" she says staring me up and down, judging me. "That's my fiancé" he responds. Miriam's face went from judgement to shock, I suppose she never thought a monster like him could ever be engaged. "Of course Mr. Kaulitz, my apologies" she says. Just then she faces towards me and signals me to a changing room. "Let's take your measurements" she says.

suddenly a whole team of girls come in analyzing my body, measuring me from head to toe. Tom saw how uncomfortable I felt. He smirked, He was enjoying this. Just then he gets a call and gets up to leave, He whispers into Miriam's ear before leaving and then he looks at me "I'll have someone come and pick you up, be ready by 7" he says, and then walks out the door. What was that all about?


I sit down to watch Miriam and her team work their magic on Luna, her discomfort was obvious. She wasn't used to this. I enjoyed this.

My phone rings, it was my brother, he called to let me know Roman crimson was going to be at the party. I hated Roman, Roman was corrupt and he needed to be punished for his crimes. He fooled me once but he won't fool me again.


After what felt like an eternity trying on dresses and getting measured head to toe by Miriam's team, I settled on two dresses, a blue sapphire one shoulder, cut out sequen cocktail dress that perfectly hugged and defined each curve in my body, a red silhouette halter neck dress with pearl beaded straps against my back and neck. But I was starving and I didn't manage to eat anything so after I left Miriam's, I asked the driver outside to stop by for lunch.

After lunch we arrived home, it was 5pm. "I suppose I should start getting ready." As I'm getting ready I hear a knock on the door "Come in!" I shouted. Wendy opened the door, "hello Miss Luna, I just wanted to stop by and ask if you were in need of anything, I hear you've had a busy day!" She giggles. "I certainly have" I sighed, "but now I'm just getting ready for the party tonight" I said. Wendy smiles, "well let me help you put on your dress, it's the least I could do miss" Wendy approaches me. "Actually, do you mind helping me pick out a dress? I picked two." "Certainly!" She said. I walk to the closet and bring out the two dresses. After careful examination, Wendy decided on the blue dress "blue suits you Miss Luna, and I'm certain Mr. Kaulitz would agree." I stand confused for a moment "why would he agree?" Wendy giggles "you'll find that out soon enough! Now if you'll excuse me, I must be getting home, if there's no food by the time my husband gets home he goes crazy!" I laugh and give Wendy a hug, "thank you for your help Wendy! Get home safe"

It's 7 and I'm dressed, I feel anxious. Just then he walks into the room, dressed in a black suit. Tom just stared at me as if he were trying to read me, to steal my soul from me. My heart was bouncing, denying a sudden attraction in front of a man I should despise of fear. "Do I make you uncomfortable Luna?" The way my name rolls off his tongue.... Im in trouble. "You're afraid of me aren't you."

"I've heard about you. I know what type of man you are" it was true I've heard of him he was a womanizer playboy, a rockstar alongside his brother but he was also a business man, much like my father. "Coming from a woman who has been raised by a dirty coward, and born into a world of crime, your standards surprise me." He says, in a snarky tone. "If you despise us then why come to get me" I replied back. "I have my reasons" he says. "You look well" he added. "T-thanks" I replied back, I could feel butterflies enter my stomach. No! I thought to myself, this is my enemy.

They say good girls fall for monsters, and they're right. The soulless god met his goddess.

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