Chapter 17

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Everything seems blurry.... My reckless actions and him... Tom. In one day I managed an intense level of deprivation. I kissed the man I despised, embarrassed myself, and ended up.... IN HIS FREAKING BED. It's okay.. it could've gone worse. But this is all too much for a morning.

I get up to eat. It was the only thing on my mind! I was craving something to eat. As I open the door to leave Toms bedroom, I see her. She was beautiful, she was a woman with short red hair, Tan skin and emerald green eyes. Who was she? And why was she here? Was she here for Tom? I felt uneasy.

"Good morning sleepy head. I hear you had an eventful night last night." She said, smoking a cigarette as she leaned against the railing overseeing the first floor of the house. "How do you know that? Most importantly who are you?" I said to her. "I know a lot of things, Luna." Her eyes piercing through me, causing me to take a step back. She smiles, "I'm just kidding! I overheard a conversation between Tom and the guys. I'm Scarlett by the way, One of Toms friends." "Nice to meet you, I wasn't aware Tom even had friends." I replied. "I know right! What a drag. But I'm not really his friend, I guess. Im an acquaintance who owes him a debt. But I also come here and visit, occasionally."

"I understand" I said. If she owed him a debt, I'm assuming Tom must have killed someone... was she here to pay it? "Did you come here to pay your debt?" I asked her, curiosity was killing me. "Well wouldn't you like to know" she looks at me, smirking. Did I even want to know? Did I want to know that the man I was going to marry had his hands tarnished with blood? "He saved my life. That's all you need to know." She said, giving me a reassuring look. Maybe she noticed my discomfort. "Where is Tom anyway..?" She looked at me for a moment, probably contemplating if I was being serious or not.

"Oh! You don't know?" "Know what?" "Tom and the guys went to New York. They'll be there for a few weeks. You know how it is, A famous band with insanely hot band members = delusional girls attending their concerts, hoping and dreaming that they'll one day get to marry them." I sure hoped not. This life isn't a life anyone should be wishing for. "Aaand of course, the same goes for interviews at late night talk shows. It's all boring to me honestly, I don't even see what girls see in them, maybe I can see Georg" Scarlett said, biting her lower lip. I giggled, I liked her for some reason. I knew we would get along great.

"Well I'm starving!" "Why don't we go grab some lunch, it's practically lunch time" "Scarlett... it's only 9:15 in the morning..." "so? That's basically lunch?" Oh yeah. I was definitely going to get along with her.

Scarlett took me to nice restaurant, the food was delicious! Probably the best one I had yet. I couldn't stop eating! "Slow your role tiger, the food won't escape you." She says, laughing at me. I look up, I was a bit embarrassed. "Sorry... I'm just starving." Scarlett looks at me. "I Can see why Tom fancies you. You really are pretty." I was shocked. Tom fancied.. me? "He what?" I said. "Don't you know?" "Know what!" The curiosity was at this point eating at me. "Tom reallyyyyy likes you. Not just a little, like a lotttt" "I don't understand? What made you believe that? He's so cruel towards me. He shows no remorse." "Oh cmon Luna, you have to be a little smarter than that. Tom just does that because of all his big alpha male vibrato. He's really an emotional little boy once you get through that thick wall of his."

My ears couldn't believe it! Tom? Of all people HIM? He was capable of emotions? She was bluffing. There was no way. "Tell you what Luna, I like you. So why don't we have some fun." "What do you mean?" I replied back to her. "Let's go to New York." "WHAT? No way. I don't think.. he'd like me to be there." I said, looking down at my feet. "Chin up, you don't know that yet. So let's find out." For the first time, I realized that maybe she had a point. Maybe Tom really does like me. "Okay, let's do it." "Great!" Scarlett gets up walking towards the door. "Wait! Aren't we supposed to pay?" She looked at me like I was stupid. "If you keep standing there we will." I got up, and followed her out the door. I felt, free, rebellious.

"Let me call the chauffeur!" I said, but realization hit me. I didn't have the phone number of anyone. Not even Tom. "Well? What's taking you so long?" Scarlett says to me, annoyance present in her tone. "You see.. I don't have the number of the chauffeur.. or anyone in that matter. Even Tom." Scarlett stared at me, as if I had told her a horrible joke. "Yeahhh we're going to have to change that real soon. But fret not! I have an idea." Scarlett scanned the area before laying her eyes on a blacked out Lamborghini. "Bingo! We've found a winner, follow my lead Luna." I follow her as she approaches the man in the car "give me your keys." She says to the man. "What the hell? No way?" He exclaimed. "Hard way it is then!" She punched the man square in the face, leaving him unconscious. She then pulls him out the car and throws him onto the street.

"If you had listened to me when I asked you politely, I wouldn't have had to resort to such circumstances." She said to the man who was clearly unconscious AND not awake. I was too stunned to speak. Scarlett was badass.. and I wanted to be just like her. "Get in Luna and buckle up. We're going on a private jet." She smirks as she drives off. Private jet? She definitely had to be some type of mafia boss to own one of those. Not even my father, a successful businessman owned a jet. What were we getting into?

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