Chapter 16

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After Luna had fallen asleep and was safe. I made my way to my office. It was the most important room to me. It's where my vulnerability lied. A reminder of why I became the man I am today. Nobody was allowed to enter that room. Especially Luna. If she found out what I kept in there... she'd hate me.

I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I said.  "Hello, friend." Scarlett. an Italian beauty, with fiery red hair, tan skin and eyes that could leave you in a trance. She was beautiful, sure. But nobody compared to my moonlight. Scarlett was a friend I had become Acquainted with along the way. Business partners. She is an arrogant woman, selfish for her needs. She owed a debt the minute she asked us a favor. She was bound to me. Bill, Georg and Gustav as well by loyalty. There was no escape for her.

I looked at her for a minute. "What brings you here Scarlett." "Geez, you're still just as cold as I remember you." "Your point?" She rolls her eyes at me. "I hear you've stirred up trouble all around LA, an empire, I hear?" "You stand corrected." I say as I cross my arms together. "Well it seems like the soulless god has become truly soulless" "I've always been this way. Now tell me Scarlett, what really brings you here." She smirks, her eyes sparkle. "Causing chaos wasn't the only thing I've heard about you, Tom. I hear you're getting married." "How do you know about that?" "Oh cmon, it's no surprise. The minute the word got out that you were engaged, all of Italy went insane. It isn't every day the heartless man who is destined to be alone finds himself his femme fatale."

"I don't know what you mean. Now if you'll excuse me I have a concert to attend to in New York." I said to her, getting up and leading her out my door. "Concert huh. Sounds like fun." She says, mischief present in her tone. "It does doesn't it!" I say, clapping. excitement in my tone and sarcasm. She rolls her eyes at me. "I come here all the way from Sicily. The least you could do is invite me!" "I'm assuming you came to stay here a couple days. I don't need to invite you anywhere when you'll be staying in my home." I said to her. "Touché Kaulitz, touché." She says, rolling her eyes.

When I make my way downstairs I find Bill, Georg and Gustav all waiting for me with their arms crossed. What was this? A fucking meet and greet? "To what do I owe the pleasure!" I say with full sarcasm in my tone. "Tommyyy! We came here to pick you up brother!" Bill says. "So.. how's it going with that wife of yours? Did you get lucky last night." Georg said to me, winking. "This was all a fucking bad idea." I replied. "Is that remorse I sense?" Gustav adds in. I rolled my eyes at him. "Never. I'll destroy her father by any means." I said, slight anger in my tone.

"Luna, she seems fine to me" Bill added. "She's nobody. A transaction. Collateral damage." "Ouch!" Scarlett said as she was descending the staircase. "If I were Luna I would be pretttttyyy pissed." "I don't care about her." I said, shrugging. "Yeah right. Keep lying to yourself" Gustav said, rolling his eyes. "After the wedding, it'll be like she never existed. I won't see her. She'll mind her own business and I'll mind mine." All four of them look at each other, smirking. "So then after the wedding, you wouldn't mind if you shared her with us." Georg says to me. "I think she and I might be a good match" Gustav adds.

I stared at them like idiots. I could feel the anger running through my blood. "STOP" I said as anger consumed me. "Finally, the answer we were hoping for." Bill says, a stupid smile plastered across his face. "No one will ever touch her. But me. Understood? She'll be MY wife. So back off." "Ouuu you look sexier when you're angry, you should be angry more often! I likeyyy" Scarlett winked at me. "We're only trying to make a point here." Gustav said. "Yeah, you're into her" Georg adds.

"This doesn't mean anything. I respect women. This has nothing to do with her." I said. "Trust me, when a man is ready to punch his best friends over a girl it has everything to do with
her." Georg said. "Now the question is... will you kill it or act upon it?" Scarlett added. "Let's go. We're running late and we have a plane to
Catch." I said, diverting the subject.

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