Chapter 31

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I got settled into his bed. To my ever growing embarrassment, my heart continued to pound the loudest it has ever been. Why was I so damn nervous? It wasn't my first time being in his bed, yet sleeping beside him it felt like I was here for the first time. I had been the one initiating this. I...had wanted this. My brain definitely underestimated the close proximity between Tom and I. Not only was I able to feel his radiating body heat but one wrong movement from my side and he and I would accidentally touch. Tom's bed was huge. But so was he. All I was trying to achieve with this sudden situation was to sleep better. But instead of sleeping I was praying he wasn't hearing the loud pounding of my heart. Or feel how my body was heating up. Seeing how nervous I was. I needed to distract myself.


"Hm" He replied.

"Thanks for letting me stay here." I say, nervously.

"Instead of you l'm actually a nice person, moonlight."

"Huh? Oh." My mind went back to the interrogation.

"Hey! You wouldn't stop asking questions!" He turns to me rolling his eyes.

"Fact is, you were being rude. Hence, why I'm the nice person here." He turns back around. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes, I can still throw you out."

"How did you...!?" I sighed.

"Luna Just to clarify something with you, I won't do anything with you tonight."

"And I don't want you to. Don't misunderstand this okay! I'm not the least bit interested in you. And I still hate you."



More silence.


"Go to sleep, Luna." Was he being serious? I sighed, turning around and closing my eyes. The silence overwhelming.

"Unless you really really want me to." I stayed quiet and ignored him. The last thing I was going to let him do was touch me.

"I'll take the silence as a yes, but you're too overwhelmed by my generous offer."

"Go to sleep yourself, idiot." I lashed back.

"You're the one seeking the idiot's presence. So, who's the real idiot?"

"Still you." I replied. He turns to me.

"I understand you're nervous, Luna. You know that I never slept in bed with a girl without banging her first? This is my first time. I'm nervous too."

"Please god give me the strength to not choke him to death."

"Choking? Wouldn't have thought choking was your preferred method of killing. Kinky." He chuckles.

I try to get out of his bed, but he had other plans. He grabs me by the waist, pulling me back into bed.

"Uh uh, no backing out now, moonlight. You chose this."

"And now I have deep regrets."

"I already told you I won't do anything."

He gets on top of me, "I won't get close to you.....I won't touch you.....I won't imagine how your body pressed against mine would feel." He said while being zero inches away from me, without a doubt touching me and pressing his body very obviously against mine. I wasn't going to let this mistake happen to me twice.

"Thank you for respecting my privacy. I really appreciate that."

I wanted to sound sassy but instead my words came out breathless and clipped off.

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